Home News 15 Pinterest Tips for More Productive Pins

15 Pinterest Tips for More Productive Pins

15 Pinterest Tips for More Productive Pins

Pinterest, a very prominent social media site, is now just behind Twitter in popularity and is growing rapidly˳ Pinterest incites more referral traffic than Twitter and LinkedIn combined˳ Obviously, this popular social site could do a lot for your business and online presence but as with all tools, it must be used properly˳

The basic idea of Pinterest is to start boards on which you pin images along with a text description of what you are pinning˳ Some of the most popular type of pins are home, arts and crafts, style and fashion and food˳ Food is one of the most rapidly growing popular categories˳

Learning to pin more efficiently will help increase your visibility, traffic and sales˳

1˳ Pin Regularly- Map out a pinning schedule and stick to it˳ Be sure to pin at different times for optimal results˳ Try pinning 20 or more times throughout the day, if possible˳ It is better to pin consistently throughout the week rather than bulk pinning in spurts˳

2˳ Colors Get Results- It has been shown that reds and oranges will get more results than blues˳ You also want to use multiple colors in your images as opposed to pins with one main color˳

3˳ Available Tools- There are many tools to help you pin more effectively˳ Pinreach will help you determine how well you are doing and can give you your Pinterest “score”˳ Piqora is a great tool for marketers˳ You can use it for promoting and to track the results for your marketing efforts˳ There are many more available to help you perfect your pinning campaign˳

4˳ Description Keywords- Be sure to use appropriate keywords in your pin description˳ This will help people find your pins more easily, thus attracting more followers and traffic˳

5˳ Background – Pins with less “empty” background will receive more likes and repins than pins that have a small main image with lots of background˳ Be sure your pins are complete with less than 10% of the pin being empty background˳ You could receive 2-4 times more repins˳

6˳ Connect with Facebook and Twitter – Always connect with your other social media accounts˳ This will increase your chance for followers, likes, repins, etc˳

7˳ Board Names- Be sure to create captivating board names and also use relevant keywords˳ Board names are akin to headlines and they need to capture people’s attention to produce results˳ Take note of which board titles capture your attention and why˳

8˳ Don’t Just “Repin” – Be sure to mix original pins with repins˳ Repinning is fine but add some unique pins of your own as well˳

9˳ Write a Smart Description – When writing your description be sure to add your relevant keywords along with concise wording and proper grammar˳ Remember the short and simple rule˳ This will increase the chances of your pin showing up in searches˳

10˳ Pin Videos – Take advantage of the video section Pinterest provides˳ There are many more images than videos pinned so you can capture your niche in the video pin community˳

11˳ Blog Posts – When posting on your blog be sure to use images so you can pin the post and image to your boards˳ Do not pin an entire post but a short teaser with a link will work very well˳ Only post to appropriate boards and do not overdo on self-promotion˳

12˳ Study Your Pin Stats – Pinterest offers statistics on your pins so be sure to use them to your advantage˳ Find out which ones work and which ones don’t and learn from them˳ Note the engagement initiated by your pins as well˳

13˳ Cover Images – Choose the cover images for your boards wisely˳ When I look for boards, the cover image is what draws me to the board˳ You can go through all your pins to see which one fits best in the space allotted and which ones have the most punch˳ As always, look at other boards to see which cover images get the most response from you˳

14˳ Research Popular Pins – Take some time to look at the most popular pins˳ Study them to see what differentiates them from other pins˳ Use this information for your own pins for more productivity˳

15˳ Group Boards – One of the great features of Pinterest is group boards˳ You can ask the owners of these boards to add you and you can then pin to those boards˳ Be sure to follow the board owner’s rules and guidelines˳ Pinning effectively to group boards can substantially increase your following˳

Pinterest is a fun social site that can bring you more visitors and grow your business˳ But, as with all marketing mediums, you must take the time to utilize it properly in order to enjoy the full benefit of its potential power˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?15-Pinterest-Tips-for-More-Productive-Pins&id=8157221

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