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Over the past 24 hours, the whole country added nearly 3,000 cases of COVID-19

Over the past 24 hours, the whole country added nearly 3,000 cases of COVID-19

The number of new COVID-19 cases across the country continues to ‘escalate’˳ In the past 24 hours, the whole country recorded 2,958 new COVID-19 cases˳ The Ministry of Health forecasts that the COVID-19 epidemic is likely to increase during the upcoming long holiday˳

In the past 24 hours, the whole country added nearly 3,000 cases of COVID-19 - Photo 1.

Report on statistics of new COVID-19 cases in Vietnam – Photo: Ministry of Health

According to statistics of the Ministry of Health, on April 27, the whole country recorded 2,958 new cases of COVID-19˳ This is the day with the highest number of cases in more than half a year˳

Currently, hospitals across the country are treating 85 cases˳ During the day, 1,062 patients were declared cured, no deaths were recorded˳

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Since the beginning of the epidemic, Vietnam has had 11,554,875 cases, ranking 13 out of 230 countries and territories˳ While with the rate of infections / 1 million people, Vietnam ranks 121 out of 230 countries and territories (on average, there are 116,771 infections for every 1 million people)˳

Regarding the situation of vaccination against COVID-19, on April 26, 20,480 doses of COVID-19 vaccine were administered˳ Thus, the total dose of vaccine has been administered is more than 266 million doses˳

In the past 24 hours, the whole country added nearly 3,000 cases of COVID-19 - Photo 3.

Obese and suffering from many background diseases, a female patient turned severe when infected with COVID-19 – Photo: SPRING MAI

At an online conference of the Ministry of Health with 63 provinces and cities on epidemic prevention and control during the holidays of April 30, May 1 and the Hung Kings Anniversary, which took place recently, the Ministry of Health recommended those who have not been vaccinated˳ If you have enough doses of COVID-19 vaccine as recommended, you should promptly get enough˳ In addition, people should comply with the implementation of masks and disinfection˳

Phan Trong Lan – Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine – said that recently the number of COVID-19 cases has tended to increase again˳

In particular, the whole country has recorded 2 deaths after nearly 4 months with no deaths, including a case with an underlying disease but did not receive the COVID-19 vaccine˳

The Ministry of Health also said that during the coming holiday, the travel demand of people between localities as well as foreign tourists is expected to increase, so the risk of disease will increase˳

Especially, after the holiday, when people return to work, epidemic prevention and control should be strengthened and controlled more closely˳ In addition, schools enter the exam, so the local health sector continues to strengthen coordination with the education – training sector to ensure the safety of epidemic prevention in schools˳

2,731 new COVID-19 cases, Ministry of Health recommends strong epidemic prevention during the holidays2,731 new COVID-19 cases, Ministry of Health recommends strong epidemic prevention during the holidays

In the past 24 hours, the whole country recorded 2,731 new COVID-19 cases, an increase of 230 cases compared to the previous day˳ The Ministry of Health recommends that localities strengthen epidemic prevention during the upcoming long holiday˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/24-gio-qua-ca-nuoc-them-gan-3-000-ca-covid-19-20230427171424727˳htm

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