Home News 3 Ways Technology Has Changed the World For Home Based Business Owners

3 Ways Technology Has Changed the World For Home Based Business Owners

3 Ways Technology Has Changed the World For Home Based Business Owners

I love that I have been born in this day and age and I don’t know how I could have lived at any other time in history˳ New technological advances have made my life much easier as a home based business owner˳ I am excited by the possibilities available with technology today and excited by the thoughts of the technology that will be available very soon˳

The purpose of this article is to share with you, as a fellow home based business owner, some thoughts on how current technological advances are improving the way we can run our businesses˳ If you are living in the past it is time to change your way of thinking and utilise technology to your own advantage˳

Here are three things to think about as a work from home entrepreneur:

Social media and Web 2˳0 has changed marketing- The old rules of advertising made it hard for a home based business to compete with bigger companies˳ The internet, through search engines, web 2˳0 and social media has changed everything to the advantage of the smaller operators˳ Yes, large companies can use the internet but if you target your market right you can still be very successful˳

Smart phones have improved people’s lives- I was very late to the idea of a smart phone- even though I have worked in the industry for numerous years˳ But now, I don’t know how I ever lived without one˳ I started with a BlackBerry, went to a HTC and now I could never live without my iPhone˳ It’s just so damn convenient˳ I can send and receive emails, make calls, send and receive texts and there are numerous other applications that improve my life˳ It gives me so much time back˳ I can respond to a lot of emails and do work during my down time during the day˳ For example, I often write articles on my iPhone during the day if I am waiting at a cafe or something like that˳ I generally save about an hour a day˳

You can run a home based business but sell to the world- The Internet, in my opinion, has had the greatest influence on mankind of all inventions˳ Now, with an Internet connection, I can sell my products from home to anywhere in the world˳ Previously as a home based business owner my target audience would most probably be limited to my surrounding suburbs˳

Technology has changed the world and, as you can see from the above, there are three technological advances that have had a most dramatic effect on home based businesses˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?3-Ways-Technology-Has-Changed-the-World-For-Home-Based-Business-Owners&id=4419446

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