Home News 4 Top Cross Platform Mobile App Development Tools

4 Top Cross Platform Mobile App Development Tools

4 Top Cross Platform Mobile App Development Tools

Cross platform mobile development refers to a technique of developing mobile applications which can be used on multiple mobile platforms˳ As there are numerous platforms, device fragmentation was one of the major challenges which made it difficult for the developers to create apps that runs on all mobile devices˳ Cross-platform mobile development tools were developed to solve this issue which ensures uniformity by offering common device functionality features˳

As today’s mobile application developers are trying to be agile, they use the best tools to develop a mobile application˳ Below listed are the 4 best cross platform mobile app development tools˳

1˳ PhoneGap / Apache Cordova

2˳ Appcelerator Titanium

3˳ Adobe Air

4˳ Sencha Touch

1˳ PhoneGap / Apache Cordova:

It is an open source framework which lets you create mobile applications using standardized web interface for the platforms you care about˳


* It doesn’t require the knowledge of dense programming languages as it follows basic development languages like JavaScript, HTML and CSS˳

* It lets you develop apps easily without any major investment˳

* Installation of PhoneGap app is similar to the installation of a native app˳


* Mobile app developer himself has to write the plugin if it’s not available˳

* Performance will be affected if the developer uses many graphics˳

2˳ Appcelerator Titanium:

It is an open and extensible development environment used for creating beautiful native apps across different mobile devices˳


* It lets you develop an application in a flexible way with its rapid prototyping˳

* Uses JavaScript, HTML and CSS for creating the app˳

* Uses standard user-interface elements like tables, buttons etc˳

* It lets you store the data locally˳

* Supports asynchronous module definition (AMD) and common JS˳


* Access is restricted for certain components of a mobile OS˳

* It offers limited access to device resources like camera˳

3˳ Adobe Air:

It is a new-generation technology which allows you to develop applications easily using HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, Adobe Flash and Adobe Flex˳


* Assures a rich user experience˳

* It lets you create apps with rich media content which require flash˳

* Easy to install˳

* Plays high-quality HD videos with industry-standard codecs˳


* Database access is limited to SQLite or web services˳

* Developer needs to have a good knowledge on complex languages to use Adobe Air˳

4˳ Sencha Touch:

It is a mobile application framework which enables you to build powerful applications that work on iOS, Android Windows and other platforms˳


* Delivers a rich experience as expected by the users˳

* It provides rich set of documentation and screencast which makes you more productive˳

* It ensures pixel perfection with its advanced layout engine˳


* Chances of vendor getting locked in are high as it is not an open source˳

* It works only on JavaScript which may create issues while creating mobile apps˳

Fortune innovation brisbane’s expert designers help you in developing smarter mobile applications while deciding which cross-platform framework is ideal for you˳ Kindly get in touch with us for any requirements on the development of mobile applications˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?4-Top-Cross-Platform-Mobile-App-Development-Tools&id=8779721

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