Home News 7 Keys To Being Prepared To Sell Your Home!

7 Keys To Being Prepared To Sell Your Home!

7 Keys To Being Prepared To Sell Your Home!

Since, for most people, the value of their house, often, represents, one of their, single – most, valuable assets, doesn’t it make sense, to ensure, when they wish, to sell their home, they do, all – they – can, to make the best deal, possible! After, over 15 years, as a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, in the State of New York, I often, advise my clients, of things, they can do, to better – prepare, for the selling transaction, process, and period! In that respect, I emphasize, 7 keys, to being, as prepared, as possible, to sell your house, and get the finest results˳ With that, in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, these items, and why, they matter˳

Curb appeal: If potential, qualified buyers, don’t take a look, in a serious way, at the house, they won’t make an offer, to purchase it! The first thing, these individuals, see, is the curb appeal, as they approach, the property˳ Is it, neat, clean, and attractive? Are the colors, overall – exterior appearance, gardens, and apparent condition, a turn – off, or a motivating, inspiring one?

First impressions: What might be a potential buyer’s, first impressions, when they enter, the house? Are there any odors, etc, which might make it, unappealing? Is it neat, and clutter – free? Is there, too much, too little, or just, the right, amount of furniture, to accentuate the positive? What is the first thing, someone will experience, when entering?

De – clutter/ staging: How might the showing of the house, benefit, from de – cluttering, and staging, effectively, the home? Since, many buyers, can’t visualize, what they don’t clearly, seen it often, makes sense, to take advantage of the skills, and expertise, of a professional stager!

Objectives/ priorities: Before, deciding to sell your home, the homeowner should clearly, consider, and identify, his personal objectives and reasons, and ensure, he addresses his priorities, throughout the process!

Listing price: Homeowners should hire potential agents, and choose, the one, who, will best represent his personal needs, by providing honest suggestions, and ideas, consistently! Remember, in most cases, the properly – set, listing price, makes a significant difference, for the better! It’s important to understand, listing, and selling price, are different entities!

Marketing strategy: Thoroughly, consider, which marketing strategy, makes the most sense, for your combination of personal reasons, priorities, etc! There must be a clear understanding, from the start, as to how, to, effectively, proceed!

Agent/ homeowner teamwork: The best results, and least – stressful, process, and approach, to this period, is to ensure, quality, consistent teamwork, between agent, and homeowner, so they proceed, on the same – page!

Getting the best price, and terms, when you sell your house, is a smart objective, and using, the 7 steps, listed, above, are a sensible, effective approach˳ Will you do, all you can, in your own, best interests?

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?7-Keys-To-Being-Prepared-To-Sell-Your-Home!&id=10442275

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