Home Health 80-90% of Vietnamese children will be nearsighted

80-90% of Vietnamese children will be nearsighted

80-90% of Vietnamese children will be nearsighted

This is the forecast of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the proportion of children with myopia in Asia, including Vietnam, by 2050˳

After the COVID-19 epidemic, the number of children with myopia increased significantly - Photo: NHU HUNG

After the COVID-19 epidemic, the number of children with myopia increased significantly – Photo: NHU HUNG

According to world data, after the COVID-19 epidemic, the number of children with myopia increased significantly˳

Because children’s eyes are in close contact!

Doctor CKII Phan Hong Mai – Head of Refraction Department, Ho Chi Minh City Eye Hospital, said that children with myopia tend to increase, especially after the COVID-19 season, children learn online on computers˳ For a long time, many children are “locked” in the house and for those who are already nearsighted, it is easy to increase the degree˳

WHO predicts that 50% of the world’s population will be nearsighted by 2050, with more myopia in Asia due to racial factors, with 80-90% of Asian children going to be nearsighted˳

The factors related to myopia are race, genes, environment (especially near-sighted activities: looking at phones and computers a lot, doing little outdoor activities, staying indoors a lot…)˳

Children in the city often have a higher rate of nearsightedness than in rural areas because it is possible that children in rural areas can play more outdoors˳

In addition, the pressure to study in the city may also be higher˳ When learning pressure is high, children have to study a lot, which will increase the time to look up close˳ This also increases the risk of nearsightedness˳

Electronic device culprit, blue light

Doctor Nguyen Thi Tuyet Minh – eye specialist – said that there are many reasons for the increase in the rate of children suffering from eye diseases such as: nearsightedness, loss of vision, eye pain… Too much exposure to electronic devices, great pressure in studying, wrong use of electronic screens, genetics, nutrition…

MSc Nguyen Thanh Danh – Department of Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Otolaryngology and Dentistry, Children’s Hospital 2 (HCMC) – said that electronic devices emit blue light, whose wavelength is close to ultraviolet rays that cause ultraviolet rays˳ reduced risk and loss of vision˳

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    Myopia and dangerous complications to knowREAD NOW

To prevent the harmful effects of blue light, parents should arrange for children to have a reasonable study schedule, set the “night light” mode on the computer screen˳ In addition, children need to wear glasses with blue light filtering function when using electronic devices˳

“Parents should place electronic devices so that the center of the screen is about 10cm lower than the eye position; do not place the screen vertically to avoid light reflection˳ The distance between the device and the student is 40cm for with mobile phones; 60-65cm for desktop computers and laptops,” said Doctor Danh˳

For televisions, Dr˳ Danh recommends an estimated distance greater than 1˳5 times the screen size˳

For example: TV 50 inches, suitable distance greater than 75 inches, equivalent to about 2m˳

In addition, parents need to limit their children’s learning by phone because the phone screen is quite small, it is best to use a desktop computer (desktop) or laptop (laptop)˳

A TV connected to a laptop can be used to get a larger screen, but be aware of the height and distance of the TV from the child’s position˳

At the same time, the current construction of study time of the Ministry of Education and Training (35-45 minutes per class period, 5-10 minutes of changing periods and a 15-20 minute break after every three lessons) was based on the eye’s ability to focus˳

Therefore, parents should remind their children to take a break between two classes and a break to rest their eyes˳ During recess, parents should not allow children to come into contact with devices including television˳

Get an eye exam as soon as there are unusual signs

Doctor Danh recommends, when detecting abnormal signs of the eyes (blurred vision, squinting, blinking, tearing, red eyes…) and the body (fatigue, poor concentration, headache, neck and shoulder fatigue, etc˳), parents should bring their children to timely examination and treatment at specialized facilities˳

The percentage of children with myopia is increasing - Photo: DUTY PHAN

The percentage of children with myopia is increasing – Photo: DUTY PHAN

Let’s prevent it from now on

To prevent myopia, as well as increasing myopia, according to doctor Mai, children must be active outdoors for at least 2 hours a day˳

Parents need to pay attention to periodically measuring refractive errors at least every 6 months at reputable places˳

In addition, children need to reduce learning pressure, increase physical activities such as playing sports…

Doctor Mai said that there are now low-quality eye drops that will slow down the progression of myopia for children who still have increased myopia˳ These children need to be seen by a doctor for an indication to use this medicine, which helps to reduce myopia˳

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    People with severe nearsightedness and farsightedness are at risk of glaucoma

    People with severe nearsightedness and farsightedness are at risk of glaucoma

In addition, there are also night glasses that reduce the rate of myopia increase˳ This type of glasses is indicated for people with low myopia and astigmatism, specifically myopia less than 4 degrees and astigmatism less than 1˳5 degrees˳ Glass users need to clean glasses according to the instructions of a specialist˳

Users of this type of glasses can also monitor the effectiveness of treatment with a corneal mapping machine in specialized facilities with fully equipped equipment˳

Mai emphasized that the consequences of myopia progression cause other dangerous diseases such as retinal detachment, macular degeneration, glaucoma (cataract), cataract (dry cataract)…

When my eyes suddenly blurred!

Avoid sitting for a long time using the phone a lot.  Access to sunlight also limits eye diseases - Photo: DP

Avoid sitting for a long time using the phone a lot˳ Access to sunlight also limits eye diseases – Photo: DP

Recently, Ms˳ NTTH – 42 years old, living in District 10, Ho Chi Minh City – took her daughter to have her eyes checked, and her eyes increased from 1˳75 degrees to 2˳25 degrees in just 6 months˳

Ms˳ H˳ said that after more than a year of online learning during the COVID-19 season, her child – a 9-year-old NTN girl – had a decline in schoolwork, and her child’s ability to absorb was slow˳

After asking her daughter again, she realized that for a long time her son could not see clearly the words the teacher wrote on the board˳ The results of the school health check at the school also suggested that her family should take her child for an eye exam˳

“In mid-October, I took my son to the Eye Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City to have his eyes checked, but I still don’t think my child may be nearsighted˳

I subjectively think that I take good care of my baby, always make sure to feed my baby with adequate nutrients, and no one is nearsighted at home˳

When the doctor announced that my child has myopia of 1˳75 degrees, I just remembered that during the COVID-19 pandemic, my child studied through the computer all day˳ After school, she often asks her mother to let her learn English on her iPad˳

Thinking back, every day during this time period, I looked at the computer screen, iPad for ten hours˳ Recently, I took my son to have his eyes checked again˳ In just six months my baby’s eyes have grown to 2˳25 degrees˳ I’m really worried about my daughter,” said Ms˳ H˳

Similarly, Ms˳ NPT – 38 years old, living in Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh City – also recently took her 10-year-old daughter to an eye exam and was told by the doctor that her child was near 1˳5 degrees˳

Many times, I see my children wink, eye strain, but Ms˳ T˳ does not care˳ Until one time when I couldn’t see the words on the TV, had to approach the TV to read, Ms˳ T˳ suspected that I had an eye problem˳

Ms˳ T˳ said that outside of school time, her children mostly stay at home˳ On weekends, parents only take their children out to play, but they also mainly go to shopping centers, but children rarely have outdoor activities˳

“In Ho Chi Minh City due to the large population, narrow houses, busy parents, so outside of school time, children stay at home a lot˳ When they come home, children look at their phones or continue studying online on computers˳ ˳˳

These are also factors that put children at increased risk of nearsightedness˳ I went to pick up my children from elementary school˳ I observed that many students had to wear glasses,” a parent shared˳T˳ DUONG)

Preventing myopia in school timely and properlyPreventing myopia in school timely and properly

Myopia is one of the most common refractive errors, which is increasing in adolescents˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/80-90-tre-em-viet-nam-se-bi-can-thi-20230409223541406˳htm

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