Home News Take Away From Google I/O 2013 – All Androids Are Equal!

Take Away From Google I/O 2013 – All Androids Are Equal!

Take Away From Google I/O 2013 - All Androids Are Equal!


Time was when Google developer conferences buzzed around Google Maps, Web tool kit and so on˳ But from the last conference onwards the limelight was on Android, and Chrome in that order˳ Perhaps the humongous opportunity resting in smartphones has sunk deep into Google˳ A fact acknowledged by Larry Page himself when he quipped that he would like to run the company via his smartphone˳

Google has sought to integrate its other products with Android and update them in Android without having to update Android to match them in compatibility˳


As mentioned in the previous paragraph, Android aficionados do see a silver lining out of the limited Android updates˳ Blogs are rife with how features introduced from this edition onwards don’t necessarily need an update in the OS˳ It provides fodder for agreement as the basic premise for changing an OS’ version is to enable it to play all the applications, be it ancient or futuristic˳ The various versions and configurations (of individual mobile hardware companies like Samsung, HTC, Sony etc) of Android were creating considerable firewalls to updating even the proprietary Google apps; apps that provide the quintessential Android experience˳ Google via its feature update, effectively tackles the problem of fragmentation as Google+, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Play, apps that are present in Android from versions Froyo onwards a well as Google Music All Access that are to be introduced now can all reside in versions Froyo onwards without need of an update˳ It seems the issue of fragmentation has been hopefully nailed˳

Android Studio: this update does have the name android stamped on it! Meaning, it is Android specific˳ News is that Google plans to introduce Android Studio to replace the existing Eclipse developer environment for Android apps˳ Google collaborated with JetBrains to create the Android Studio˳ Of course this development has some loose ends to tie up, yet Google feels this IDE when launched would help Android developers increase their productivity˳ Here’s how it could help:

  • It combines capabilities of Maven and Ant to build flexible and variedly flavored solutions˳
  • Excellent code editing capabilities including finding inline resources and Android specific customizations˳ It is boosted by advanced editor UI that enables drag-drop of widgets, simulate output view in different hardware configurations and even preview while editing in XML˳
  • Provides deep analytical capability to identify all sorts of bugs
  • Provides wizards based on preset templates and also access to other Google services˳
  • Provides for easy migration of projects from Eclipse (as export) or import into Studio (of existing Eclipse IDE projects)˳

Google has, like Android OS, made Android Studio free and open source which could be the sweetener˳

Google Play: Android developers can use the Google Play services to procure the desired APIs to construct maps, games or social media (read Google+) on Android devices (mobiles or tablets)˳

Gaming: entertainment is moving to handheld devices by droves putting a premium on providing the same user experience as in computer/gaming console˳ Google has stepped up the user experience by introducing the following features:

  • Leaderboards: a maximum of 100 leaderboards, both public and social, is provided to enable developers engage users by letting them compare scores with other players˳ Leaderboards are created automatically for daily, weekly, monthly or customized versions˳
  • Rewards system: developers can reward users for engaging in the game by providing standard or incremental achievements that can be viewed in a user interface˳ The can use the developer consoles to control the achievements˳
  • Google provides the Cloud Saving APIs to save game status and settings on cloud˳
  • Developers can allow users to invite other players to the game or play with random users with the maximum limit pegged at 4˳

Google facilitates the development of location aware apps by providing the following APIs:

Geofencing APIs: this API is used to define geographical boundaries˳ It also provides the following options:

  • to create alert filters for customers exiting a particular area
  • alter updates of location in response to locomotion habit(like walking, riding or driving)of the customer (see Activity recognition API)
  • add or delete geographical boundaries

Fused location provider: this API uses underlying schema to provide the apt results to your query on locations, even complex level queries˳ It is quick, versatile and utilizes lesser battery power˳

Activity recognition provider: this API uses power sensors to detect the customer’s current activity, for example, driving, walking, riding idling etc˳ This is used in tandem with the Geofencing API to provide the apt updates to the customer˳

Single Sign-on via Google+: accounting for the fact that users change mobile devices often and that these devices may run different OS, Google provides the API to sign in via Google+ in any device˳ This obliterates the need to make services like Google Wallet, Games, Plus device specific˳ There are libraries for these services that respond to the auto sign request using their method˳

Google Cloud Messaging: Google has made it possible to register apps using its Single Method˳ It also provides for messaging to 3rd party servers via its bi-directional messaging (XMPP) using Cloud Connection Server˳ Users can synchronize notifications across devices using Google’s APIs for user notification˳

Google Play Developer Console: Google has been supporting its huge Android developer community and this year’s conference added the fillip to it˳

App Translation Service: The localization support team from Google enables you to avail translation services for a nominal fee and post the strings to be translated in the language of your choice˳ If required it prompts the apt localization sting in the app graphics, APK or the About the product sections˳ This eventually helps developers reach out to a wider audience˳

Analytics and Monetization: Keep a track on the performance of an app just become easier˳ Google Play and Google Analytics provide complementing services like app views and downloads and engagement metrics˳

Google has introduced the order status API to let developers view the order status of an in-app from their servers˳ It has also decided not to charge test accounts for in-app test purchases˳

Alpha and Beta testing and Staged Rollouts: Google has added the alpha-beta testing to let developers split their apps into two versions, alpha and beta, and get them tested by different user groups˳ If needed, testers for Google+ can also be added to test these versions˳

Developers can henceforth roll-out updates only, to their apps to a batch of users to gauge their feedback˳ Developers can set the percentage of users who would be using the update˳


Perhaps for those expecting Android only chants at the Google I/O 2013, it might be a dampener˳ But for those familiar with the maverick that Google is will vouch the shrewd way it’s gone about indulging Android community˳ Updates to Google Play, its services, launch of the Android Studio, cloud messaging and ability to sign into Google services sans OS or hardware requirements are significant game changers˳ In short, it is about updating features sans the need to update OS˳

Google’s I/O 2013 was an Android winner, in a hush hush way!

*Androider= a fan of Android who swears by it anytime, anywhere!

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Take-Away-From-Google-I/O-2013—All-Androids-Are-Equal!&id=7855337

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