Home News Here’s How to Direct Traffic to Your Top Content

Here’s How to Direct Traffic to Your Top Content

Here's How to Direct Traffic to Your Top Content

A solid backlink strategy is helpful in bringing in traffic to your website, but wouldn’t it be great if their first impression was of a page containing some of your top content? Backlink strategies focus mainly on sharing links for all the content you produce, so people may come in to see some of your older, mediocre stuff˳ While you strive to push out spectacular content each and every time, there’s always a select few that make it to the top˳ Local SEO companies can help you build pathways for online visitors to take, so that they do find your best content˳

Here’s a look at what you can do with your web design to help drive more traffic to your top pieces˳

Create Internal Pathways (aka Links)

You’d be surprised to see how many websites fail to utilize an internal linking structure˳ Most people aren’t going to spend too much time on your site digging around, so you have to point them in the right direction˳ You can see this being done on certain sites, where links to related content are implemented˳ You can also direct people to other areas of the site, such as the products page, services page or about us page˳

Tips for Making Internal Links Work

If you have done absolutely no internal linking throughout your site, then it’s a good idea to consult with local SEO companies and consider having this done for you by an internet marketing agency (especially if you have hundreds of pages on your site already)˳

Meanwhile, the following tips can be used to help ensure your internal link building efforts are fruitful:

  • Use a tool like Open Site Explorer to determine the current linking structure of your website˳
  • Create links to orphan pages, which are those that don’t have a parent page to direct to it˳
  • Start putting contextual links in all of your blog posts, linking to other relevant posts on your website˳
  • Use keyword-rich anchor text for all of your links to help boost your search engine optimization˳
  • Forget about links from JavaScript and Flash, since these aren’t crawled by search engine spiders˳
  • Use different colors for links to help users identify where links are in the text˳
  • Never spam a page with a bunch of links – it looks bad to visitors and search engines hate this˳
  • Make sure the links you add are relevant and add value to the visitor˳

Internal link building takes time, but it’s well-worth the effort˳ However, if you don’t have the patience or are just too busy to do it yourself, then look for local SEO companies that can perform this task for you˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Heres-How-to-Direct-Traffic-to-Your-Top-Content&id=9559667

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