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Instantly Make Money From Taking Photos Today!

Instantly Make Money From Taking Photos Today!

You may or may not know that the beautiful images you have captured can actually make you money˳ You don’t have to be an expert or professional photographer either, as long as you have a camera, a memory card and computer to upload your images you have everything you need to make money from your photos˳

I myself spent years trying to make money from my hobby but I failed time and time again, that was until one day I finally got lucky and I had an email from a news editor asking could they use my pictures for a photo credit in return, first of all I was flattered that some news paper was interested in my picture and wanted to print it, however I was then offended˳

My picture was good enough to be printed but not good enough to be paid for? That doesn’t make sense to me, so I politely emailed the news editor back and explained that my camera equipment wasn’t free, the time it took me to take the photo and traveling expenses should also be taken into consideration˳

The editor then replied and offered me a nice price for the image, I immediately agreed on the price and to the day I often sell images to that newspaper and they even contact me sometimes to cover events on their behalf˳

This may sound good to you, however this took many years to achieve, if you haven’t got many years to practise and want to make use of the images you have on your computer now you may want to try and sell your images to a stock photo website˳ Now I’m not a fan of stock websites simply because they lower the price of what people can charge for their images, however if this pays your bills then why not have a go˳

Some of the websites which will pay you for your images are Istockphoto˳com and Shutterstock˳com

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Instantly-Make-Money-From-Taking-Photos-Today!&id=4822392

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