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Working From Home Using eBay

Working From Home Using eBay

Everyone would like to be their own boss and have more control over our private lives and careers˳ One way to do this is establishing your own home-based business˳

Working from Home has many different Advantages:

• You choose your own hours and days to work

• You remain closer to your family, friends and neighbors˳

• More time with your family, friends and Neighbors

• Not having to fight that god-awful traffic every morning and afternoon˳ Which in itself can take almost half of your work day, depending on where you live with respect to work˳

• You are your own Boss

• Unlimited Earning potential if you are passionate in this line of work˳

• No more worrying about getting laid off

But there are also disadvantages:

• Startup costs that a Low-income family might struggle to acquire

• Investing in more Personal Computers, professional software and tools

• Need some space in which to work, many homes don’t have left over space

• Need training in the tools and services provided for that specific business

So how do we navigate these tricky waters of working from home instead of getting a traditional 9 to 5 job with no guarantee it will always be around to employ us˳ Especially as we get older… One way is to listen and discuss with others that have become successful at this Like at Commissions from Home˳

Drop Shipping is one way of earning an income using eBay and (or) Amazon˳

eBay is a pretty easy way to Earn a quick buck, and a respectable income:

• Startup costs are small and simple, usually 50 cents per listing per month˳

• Many times, eBay is offering specials where by your first 50 listings are free˳

• eBay has very few restrictions on what you can sell, compared to Amazon˳

• On eBay you can’t sell fireworks, Fire Arms or body armor, but you can sell everything else˳

• On eBay you need special permission to sell Automotive products˳

• You will spend most of your time looking for new Products that have a great track record of selling on eBay or Amazon˳ And before you know it you are selling many different products per day˳

• eBay uses PayPal to pay you, and you can use PayPal VISA Debit Card to purchase orders from your supplier

• eBay founded PayPal, but now they are separate companies, but still work hand and hand together˳

• So, the way it works, when you have a sell, your customer pays eBay, eBay puts that money in your PayPal account, you then use your PayPal VISA Debit card to purchase the Product that sold˳ While you pocket the price difference˳ Then copy and paste your buyers address into your suppliers “Shipping Address”, and then you are off to the races˳

• You only must return to your eBay buyer sells page after your supplier provides you the Carrier and tracking number when that order ships, which you must provide eBay to insure you get credit for that sell and fulfillment of that eBay order˳

• All you must do is find a supplier online that sells for less than what you are selling it for on eBay

• Spend some time shopping and take notes on what everyone in the stores are buying and incorporate that into your product strategies˳

• Remember to use the eBay Listing Notes as documentation on where that product is coming from, so you don’t get confused on where to purchase that product when it sells˳ These notes travel with that product where ever it goes˳ But your customers and eBay never see them, only you can see your notes˳

What kind of income to expect from eBay:

Keep in mind that your U˳S˳ Bank can barely struggle to pay you 0˳1% simple interest per year on your savings account; but using eBay you can earn 15% to 300% or more using other people’s money by purchasing their products for them, using their money they put in your PayPal account˳ There are many eBay Merchants earning $6,000 to $12,000 per month just selling other people’s products on eBay˳ However, the more time you put into this business, the more you make and the faster you make your desired income˳ Have your spouse or other family members pitch in to help your business become more profitable faster˳ At some point you may find it necessary to hire employees to handle the extra work˳

When you establish setting up your eBay store after having about 150 product listings, you can have a switch that permits you to go on vacation and close your store while you are out of town˳ Then turn it back on when you get back from your vacation˳ This saves you from having to bring your Laptop on vacation and always needing access to WIFI˳

However, there is nothing stopping you from running your eBay store while on vacation, unless you don’t have a laptop or don’t have access to WIFI˳ Most of the time you only need to spend about 20 to 30 minutes a day fulfilling that day’s orders, and only do that once per day˳ So, even when you are on vacation, you can still run your eBay store while making sells and still earning an income˳

Here are some eBay aids that you will find very useful:

eBay Watch Count is a free tool that helps you search and find the bestselling line of products on eBay, you will find that many have sold countless thousands on eBay˳ And if you follow their examples you will be out selling your competition in no time at all˳

INFINii is a company that provides tools for finding good quality products for eBay, Amazon, Shopify and Bonanza˳ And advanced tools for creating impressive eBay Listing pages˳ But it also provides inventory tracking so that you are not caught with your britches down when your supplier runs out of stock or changes their prices before you made your sell˳ Their tools will make the important adjustments to your eBay listings so that you are always making a profit, and always selling products that are in stock˳ Their tools are very valuable and useful, but they aren’t free˳ So, pay attention to the different product service levels˳ You can get it for as little as $50 per month to use their tools˳ They also provide training for each of the eStore platforms like eBay, Amazon, Bonanza and Shopify, which you will need so you know how to setup and operate your Stores˳

Keywordspy is a very valuable tool that provides a free trial usage˳ This tool is free up to a limited time˳ But can help you find keywords to your eBay or Amazon listings that have a track record of selling˳ This tool provides the keywords used in search engines to find products that people have purchased online at eBay and Amazon˳ And the best way to get your buying customers; is to use this tool to stand in line for the most frequently used Key word search terms for those products˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Working-From-Home-Using-eBay&id=9980896

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