Home Health Snoring, sleep disorders and other signs of bad health

Snoring, sleep disorders and other signs of bad health

Snoring, sleep disorders and other signs of bad health

Snoring, snorting, turning constantly, waking up in the middle of the night, sleep disturbances…˳ are all signs that a bad night’s sleep can be a bad sign for health˳

Snoring, sleep disorders and signs of bad health - Photo 1.

Snoring or snorting during sleep can be a signal of a more dangerous problem with your health – Photo: SHUTTERSTOCK

According to CNN, this is the result of an international large-scale case-control study called INTERSTROKE just published in the journal Neurology this week˳

The team, led by author Christine McCarthy of the University of Galway in Ireland, found that the more symptoms a person had with sleep quality, the higher their stroke risk˳

“Having a person with more than five of these symptoms of poor sleep can lead to a five-fold increased risk of stroke compared with those with no symptoms,” says Christine McCarthy˳

Kristen Knutson, an associate professor of neurology and preventive medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, commented on the study: “These findings are also consistent with this study˳ Previously, there was a link between poor sleep and high blood pressure and weakening of blood vessel walls, both of which are risk factors for stroke˳” Ms˳ Kristen Knutson is not involved in the INTERSTROKE research project˳

Dr˳ Phyllis Zee, director of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Medicine at Northwestern University’s medical school, thinks there may be a reason for this˳

Accordingly, a short, uneven sleep and sleep disturbances (such as sleep apnea), can affect the body’s ability to control metabolism, blood pressure and blood pressure˳ inflammation˳

These are also risk factors for stroke˳

Other studies have linked poor sleep to health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and dementia, according to the expert˳

Research published in the journal Neurology analyzed data from more than 4,500 participants in INTERSTROKE, a research project that investigates the case-control in patients who have had a stroke˳

Up to 30-40% of the population has sleep disorders, why do you not sleep well?Up to 30-40% of the population has sleep disorders, why do you not sleep well?

An estimated 30-40% of the population has sleep problems˳ Not only the elderly have trouble sleeping, modern young people also have sleep-wake disturbances when they sleep very late and have difficulty getting up early, or having trouble falling asleep, or waking up in the middle of the night, having difficulty falling back to sleep…

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/ngay-roi-loan-giac-ngu-va-nhung-dau-hieu-khong-tot-cho-suc-khoe-20230408101522586˳htm

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