Home Health It is possible to die from an infection from a pet

It is possible to die from an infection from a pet

It is possible to die from an infection from a pet

Pets help us relieve stress, reduce stress and especially bring a lot of joy in life… However, if we don’t know how to take care and prevent it, it is pets who bring many dangerous diseases˳ for the owner˳

Can die from infection from pets - Photo 1.

Prof˳ Dr˳ Nguyen Van De examines patients infected with parasites – Photo: HA LINH

In the future, people may die from many diseases that are transmitted by dogs, cats and other pets in the house˳ pet increasingly become a member of the family: living, eating… and sleeping with the owner˳

Only 1 year old infected with pet disease

Prof˳ Dr˳ Nguyen Van De, former head of the Department of Parasitology, Hanoi Medical University, said the infection status in general and parasites Pets in particular are on the rise˳ In the past, the disease was common in young children because children played in sandy places with cat and dog feces…, but now the disease is more common in both children and adults˳

Among those who come for examination and test for parasites, the rate of people who are positive for roundworms in dogs and cats is up to 50%˳ The youngest child who comes to the clinic for an infection from a pet is only 1 year old˳ The cause is not only due to contact with soil and sand contaminated with parasites but also because the tendency to hug, kiss, caress and sleep with pets is increasing in many families˳

In fact, not only adults but many children are in danger of getting sick from pets˳ Like the case of baby D˳GB (6 years old, Quang Ninh) with a fever lasting a week, a dull headache, increased pain in the whole body…

The family said that they have many dogs and cats and children often play with them˳ Children are assigned to have cranial magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid puncture, do diagnostic blood tests˳ As a result, the child had eosinophilic meningitis caused by infection with roundworms in dogs and cats˳

At Children’s Hospital 1, Ho Chi Minh City also gave first aid to a 23-month-old child in Can Tho with respiratory failure, pleural effusion caused by roundworms, dogs and cats moving to the lungs…

Many dangerous diseases are transmitted

According to Mr˳ De, many disease-causing microorganisms, from bacteria, fungi, parasites to viruses, can be transmitted from pets to humans˳ Pet-borne illness occurs very often, especially among the elderly, young children, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems˳

Diseases that can be transmitted from livestock to humans are collectively known as infectious diseases˳ The proportion of infectious diseases transmitted by pets is related to contact, close contact with animals or their fluids˳

For example, in the group of viruses and bacteria, humans can be transmitted diseases from the bites and scratches of dogs and cats like bacteria like bacteria˳ Lyssavirus cause rabies˳

Bacteria Bartonella henselae causes symptoms of wound infection, swelling, fever, headache, and fatigue˳

Animal feces may contain bacteria Salmonella and they are passed into the body through eating contaminated food˳ Symptoms include fever, diarrhea, vomiting leading to exhaustion…

In particular, the most common disease from pets to humans is infection with many types of parasites such as: roundworms dogs and cats (toxocariasis), hookworms, tapeworms, strongyloides, etc˳

Roundworms in dogs and cats in addition to causing encephalitis also cause many other symptoms such as itchy papules/urticaria, headache, convulsions, prolonged fever, vestibular disorders, insomnia, tumors in internal organs such as liver and heart˳ , lungs, kidneys, brain, eyes, muscles… even cause platelet dysfunction leading to bleeding˳

In addition, owners can easily get a fungal infection by touching sick animals or even touching their pets blankets or towels even though the pets are not showing symptoms of illness˳ It manifests as a scaly, red, round rash on the skin or a bald patch on the scalp˳

Can die from a very small wound

The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) is concerned about the number of pet owners sleeping with family pets and the risk of disease transmission from animals to humans˳

In the future, people can die very quickly when they are infected with many diseases that are transmitted by pets˳ For example, with rabies that causes acute encephalitis, medicine confirms that when rabies has an attack, 100% of deaths˳

Simply from a small scratch from a tooth mark or a sharp scratch of a dog or cat can transmit staph bacteria Pasteurella cause fever, swelling, bone inflammation, blood infection and lead to death˳

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    Crocodile-raising boy: Hugging like a pet, not afraid to hunch

    Crocodile-raising boy: Hugging like a pet, not afraid to hunch

Infected people Toxoplasma Passed through the feces of dogs and cats with very flu-like symptoms can be very dangerous for unborn babies˳ Pregnant women infected with this parasite, if not detected in time, can cause birth defects or miscarriage˳

“Adults or children are unknowingly infected Toxocara Through dirty food, drinking water, dirty hands after petting, caring for dogs and cats, etc˳ into the body, the larvae of worms are parasitic throughout the body, especially many in the liver, lungs, eyes, brain˳ … Those are the reservoirs of worm larvae with inflammatory organization (easily confused with metastatic tumors) and cause different symptoms” – Prof˳ De emphasized

In fact, there are many cases of brain damage, but not because of tumors, but because of roundworms, dogs and cats, encountered in many hospitals˳

Enlarged lymph nodes are usually transmitted through the scratch of a cat infected with fleas, causing scratches on the skin, people scratched by cats can become infected with bacteria˳ Bartonella henselae with fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and feeling unwell, which can lead to death˳

Bacteria Leptospira can be transmitted directly or indirectly to humans through contaminated urine˳ Bacteria can survive in water or soil from several weeks to several months˳ If a dog runs across a yard with contaminated urine, then runs into the house and licks the owner’s paw, the owner may be infected˳ Leptospira˳

People with this disease often have fever, vomiting, chills and erythema, which can lead to kidney failure if left untreated, and worse, the bacteria can cause infertility in people˳

How to prevent infection from pets

Always wash your hands, especially after playing with pets, handling their food, or after cleaning the pet’s cage˳ When cleaning or removing pet waste, wear gloves˳

– Limit kissing pets as well as eating with them˳

– Do not allow pets to play near food processing areas˳

– Do not adopt wild pets of unknown origin˳

– Periodic deworming for cats and dogs˳

– Should be fully vaccinated for domestic pets˳

Preserve lost pets with lifelike stuffed animalsPreserve lost pets with lifelike stuffed animals

David Tan – a toy manufacturer – has just received countless orders to create stuffed animals that resemble pets such as dogs, cats, hamsters, and lost rabbits˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/co-the-chet-vi-nhiem-benh-tu-thu-cung-20230408155559878˳htm

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