Home News Revival, Redemption, Restoration, All From Repentance

Revival, Redemption, Restoration, All From Repentance

Revival, Redemption, Restoration, All From Repentance

Frustration comes from the humanness in me when people say they want God’s power in their lives yet refuse to buckle to His will˳ They insist they know God, yet fail to get the log out of their own eye˳

They want something for nothing, never respecting the law of God written in all panels of eternity, even to the irrefutable evidence in this life˳

If you want to be forgiven, you must repent by turning your life back to God, and show by your behaviour, that your attitude has changed˳ It’s very simple and remarkably effective˳

Your relationships don’t change because you don’t change˳

You don’t change only for one fact: you have yet to submit your life to God˳

When you turn your life back to God a miraculous thing happens˳ He shows you the truth˳ He gives you the gumption to stand there, judged˳ He helps you see that the truth doesn’t condemn you, it frees you˳ He impels you to do what you can in the light of that truth˳ He shows you how you have offended everyone, and He puts in you a heart to live at peace with all humanity˳

From that moment onward peace becomes you, for God gives you the gift of relational sight, the spiritual ability to stand in other people’s shoes˳

In a word, Revival˳ Nobody who hasn’t experienced such Revival is saved˳ It’s enough to turn us back to God, for ‘by their fruit you will know them’, as the Lord Jesus Himself has said˳

Who stands there, saved of God, and doesn’t about-face?

Conviction is not self-righteousness, a will against the Holy God, but it is self-admonishment, continually, and then ongoing self-denial, hearing aright just how God will help you put matters right this side of eternity˳

This is the most compelling truth this side of death; now is the time; now is the opportunity˳ Especially for those who call themselves saved… do not be in that class of ‘Christian’ whom the Lord says, ‘they will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name and cast out demons, but I say I never knew you; be gone from My Presence˳’ Can the prophet be saved without living an adroitly penitent life?

The rub of all life is in the friction of relationships˳

What power of God is there if others cannot see the power of God that has changed you?

Yes, indeed, there are many false doctrines and many comfortable pillows that seem like the fire of God, but it’s all useless unless the Christian gets on his or her knees and begs for forgiveness because they’ve seen the testimony of darkness written on their heart – to the extent of the relationships they have that do not please the Lord˳

The revival of redemption and restoration come from the power of God through repetitive repentance˳

When repentance is written on our heart, and it has become how we live our lives, the power of God will be seen by everyone˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Revival,-Redemption,-Restoration,-All-From-Repentance&id=9987421

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