Home News 7 Challenges That People Face in MLM Business

7 Challenges That People Face in MLM Business

7 Challenges That People Face in MLM Business

Multi-level marketing (MLM) or network marketing is no longer the business model that works magic to many˳ It’s the irreplaceable method of gaining more customers and publicity by the simple usage of the marketing technique- Word of Mouth˳

While this article is not aimed to explain how network marketing works, rather, it is written to show you some challenges faced by ordinary people˳

Although you’ve heard about many of the success stories of many legendary people who managed to struggle from rags to riches through MLM business, here are some common challenges faced by people who are in this business˳

One˳ Lack of guidance, there are many who joined MLM business in an impulse˳ Fueled by the energy created during the presentation or proposal, one may easily think that it’s time for him/her to make a break through in life˳ However, you may want to find out more about the experience of the company, there are some companies that exist less than 5 years and their distributors may not be experienced enough in what they are doing˳ In such cases, you will not be able to receive proper education or guidance from your up-lines˳

Two˳ Limited social network, it is true that we know people from young till now˳ No matter how young you are, you will still be able to make some friends˳ I believe you have heard this many times if you’re in the MLM business, go through your list again˳ For god sake, I’ve gone through it for the Nth times˳ I just couldn’t sell to them or they just wouldn’t buy˳ Having a small social circle is another obstacle that you need to face it˳ Some of the people simply just can’t make friends as easily as others do˳ And even if you know a lot of people, what will be your conversion rate?

Three˳ Lack of charisma, this topic itself can be written in a book˳ Basically, these are the key components of charisma˳ The first impression you are giving others, persuasion skill, ability to speak well, ability to listen to others, adaptability to others, vision and ideas˳ Think of these qualities as baskets, some of us have heavier basket in terms of listening skill compared to speaking skill˳ However, you may spot a total loser, a person who don’t dress well, unable to express himself clearly, unable to cooperate with others, don’t have a passion or a dream, etc˳ Clearly, he’s a living zombie, in our modern society, it’s easier to spot these people˳

Four˳ Resist Change˳ I refuse to change, I refuse to go out of my box, I insist to do it my way, my own way˳ I bet you are familiar with this as well, or probably you see them in some of your down-lines˳ When you are trying hard to coach them, they refused to cooperate˳ They want think and act in their own ideas which in the end, getting them burn out˳ Change is the only constant thing in the universe˳ Without change, there is no growth˳ Without growth, there is no life˳ Without life, you are simply dead˳ A fly can keep trying to knock itself through the glass window, it never give up, it works very hard, it never quit˳ But there is a smarter way, and that is to enter through the open door˳ Sometimes, not giving up is a good quality but you must know to change to work smarter not harder˳

Five˳ Lack of money and time, just like any other business, even though the cost of MLM business is greatly reduced compared to a traditional business, you will still need to devote some time and money to grow your network˳ Many people quit their jobs in high hope of pushing themselves to do or die in this business˳ Well, not all of them will work well in this way˳ I will recommend people to start one as a part time job, and as time goes by, when your income is higher or equal to the current job, then it’s time to consider to convert to full time˳

Six˳ Lack of confidence, having no confidence in your up-line, having no confidence in the product, having no confidence in the company, having no confidence in you down-lines, you are bound to fail if you can’t even place trust in others˳ In order to succeed, you must place careful trust on people rather than not having any trust at all˳ It’s about the mindset as well, imagine yourself selling a product that you don’t even believe in, what will be the tone that you use, the body language you display, and lastly will the prospect buy?

Seven and the most important of all and that is having no definite plan˳ Without having something to aim for, it’s just like throwing the basketball into the air aimlessly˳ The purpose of the basketball game is to get it through the ring, the soccer, into the goal and bowling, to get a strike! Imagine playing without a target to fight for˳ Many have made this mistake˳ When you ask, how much you want to earn, they will reply, ‘as much as I can˳’ There’s no specific goal stated out˳ Another way to see it, will be a ship in the middle of ocean, having no destination to sail to˳

I hope you do enjoy reading this article˳ I wish you success in finding the suitable opportunity and take note overcoming challenges gradually takes us nearer to success!

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?7-Challenges-That-People-Face-in-MLM-Business&id=1378133

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