Home News 13 Copywriting Rules That Should Never Be Broken (Part 1)

13 Copywriting Rules That Should Never Be Broken (Part 1)

13 Copywriting Rules That Should Never Be Broken (Part 1)

Copywriting rules CAN and occasionally SHOULD be broken˳ I think far too many copywriters take advertising rules (for example, those of David Ogilvy, John Caples and Claude Hopkins) as commandments written in stone˳ They’re not˳ They are merely guidelines designed to help writers produce more effective copy˳ I believe, if breaking the rules improves the copy, then the rules should definitely be broken˳

Why? Breaking the rules allows us to discover new copywriting breakthroughs and techniques˳

Having said that, I believe there are some copywriting rules that over the years have proven to be so vital to the overall effectiveness of an ad or sales letter, they should NEVER be broken˳ They are as follows:

1˳ Always Use A Compelling Headline: Readership studies show the first thing readers see when they’re scanning ads or sales letters is your headline˳ The purpose of a headline is to get the reader to stop and read your copy˳ In essence, your headline acts like a traffic cop or stop sign at a busy intersection˳ If there’s no traffic cop or stop sign, people simply won’t stop and chaos ensues! Always use a stop sign!

2˳ Always Use A Subhead: Especially for long ads and sales letters˳ A subhead is an additional headline that is not quite as large as the actual headline˳

The subhead provides additional information and can be wordier than the headline itself˳ For example, here’s a classic headline and subhead:

The Lazy Man’s Way To Riches˳

“Most People Are Too Busy Earning A Living To Make Any Money!”

3˳ Always Connect Your Opening To Your Headline: After your headline gets the readers attention, next you want to get them interested in your product or service˳ You do that by immediately delivering what your headline promises˳ Don’t try to be cute, and don’t string your readers along˳ For example, did you notice how I got right into telling you about the “13 Copywriting Rules That Should Never Be Broken?”

4˳ Use Compelling Subheads Throughout Your Copy: This serves two purposes: 1˳ It breaks up your copy, so that it’s easier to read˳ 2˳ Subheads are also attention grabbers˳ Remember many readers are scanners˳ They’ll scan your copy first, before deciding whether or not to actually read it˳ That’s why it’s important to make sure your subheads are compelling and interesting˳ You can also use bullets, or a combination of bullets and subheads˳

5˳ Always Write The Way You Talk: It’s called “Conversational copy˳” What’s conversational copy? Conversational copy simply means talking to the reader in a conversational manner – like you’re talking to your best friend˳

6˳ Always Make Your Copy Transparent: Don’t try to be cute and don’t try to be clever with your writing˳ The purpose of copy is not to get the reader thinking how clever you are – it’s to get the reader thinking “I want to buy that!” Make your intentions as transparent as a brand new window˳

7˳ Always Write About “ME”: Don’t write about “YOU˳” Write about “ME” “What’s in it for ME?” That’s all your readers really care about˳ “What’s in it for them?” Tell them!

8˳ Always Sell Benefits: Many beginning copywriters, and even some veterans, mistake features for benefits˳ There’s a huge difference˳ Features are characteristics that physically describe your product or service˳ Benefits describe how your product or service will help the customer solve his or her problem˳ In other words, what the customer will gain by using the product or service˳

For example, A feature is the room service that your hotel provides, when you’re on vacation˳ A benefit is, room service allows you to relax and eat in the comfort and privacy of your own room at your convenience˳

Here’s a good analogy: People don’t buy drills˳ They buy the holes the drill makes˳ Remember, people don’t buy products˳ They buy the benefits they get from the products˳

9˳ Always Be Specific: Give examples…name names…attribute quotes, give facts and figures˳ Remember, the credibility of your sales message is in direct proportion to the number of specifics you provide˳ Don’t just say “lose weight˳” Instead say, “lose 7 pounds in 7 days!” Be specific˳

10˳ Always Use Testimonials: Testimonials are an unbeatable guarantee of assurance˳ Whenever possible always use your customers full name as opposed to initials only˳ Also, specific comments regarding your product or service are always better than general praise˳ Remember, specific results are always more powerful than vague opinions˳

11˳ Always Offer “FREE” Bonuses: When used correctly, a FREE bonus increases your readers desire to purchase your product or service˳ But don’t offer the same reconstituted garbage that everyone else is offering˳ Offer your reader something unique – something of “real” value˳ It may take some brainstorming on your part to come up with something worthwhile, but I can assure you, the extra sales you’ll achieve are worth the effort˳

12˳ Always ASK For The Order: This may seem like common sense to you, but you’d be amazed at how many sales letters or ads I’ve seen that don’t ask for the order˳ This is called “closing the deal,” or in copywriting terms, “call to action˳” Always ASK for the order!

13˳ Always Use A P˳S˳: Readership studies show, after the headline, the P˳S˳ is the second most read part of an ad or sales letter˳ It’s very effective to include a post- script (P˳S˳) at the end of your ad or sales letter˳ Your post-script should include an enticement of some sort, to get the reader to order NOW˳ You should also use the post-script as a final call to “ACTION”!

Here’s an example of an effective post-script:

P˳S˳ Order NOW, and receive a FREE MP3 player˳ Order NOW”!

You can also use a post-script to tie everything together, by summarizing your most important points and benefits – plus offer an enticement of some sort˳

Another thing, only use one P˳S˳ Using multiple post-scripts dilutes the effectiveness and urgency of your P˳S˳ altogether˳ When it comes to using post scripts, less is more˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?13-Copywriting-Rules-That-Should-Never-Be-Broken-(Part-1)&id=1114111

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