Home News Substance Abuse Programs – Why Opt for a Substance Abuse Program?

Substance Abuse Programs – Why Opt for a Substance Abuse Program?

Substance Abuse Programs - Why Opt for a Substance Abuse Program?

Substance abuse in USA and Canada is already recognized as a serious problem that shatters millions of families and lives every year˳ Shannon who now does time in a Utah County Jail, mentioned to a Salt Lake City newspaper “I was living well” before an addiction to a painkiller overturned her life˳ “I hurt my back, and that’s where it all went downhill,” says Shannon˳

Shannon had hurt her back and was required to undergo various surgeries before she could improve˳ The doctors had told her that she will have to take regular dosages of Pain killers in order to make it through the physical therapy˳ Shannon was a recovering Meth addict and was initially hesitant to take the pills however the doctors convinced her anyways˳ The painkillers did take her mind of her back pain however did a far worse damage than her injure inflicted on her˳ They destroyed her marriage and very soon she also went back to abusing Crystal Meth˳

Stories like Shannon’s are getting more and more common these days with the FDA declaring that prescription drug abuse is now responsible for 5% of all those who go in for substance abuse programs˳ Alcohol today accounts for 40 % of all those seeking rehab help, while drug abuse (Meth, Marijuana, Heroin etc) accounts for the remaining 55 %˳

An Inconvenient Truth

Almost always addicts will attempt to separate themselves from “the real addicts” by coming up with excuses such as – “I only drink a few times a week” or “I only do marijuana just for the kicks, I am not addicted to it or anything”, others might say that they are not real drug addicts because they do not use injections˳ In these cases it is abundantly clear that they are simply making excuses to get around an inconvenient truth that they in fact need help˳

Choose to lead a better life

If you feel that people around you have started avoiding you or have been actively trying to point out that you have an issue then it is time that you sat up and took notice˳ This goes for those who have an abusing partner or friends as well˳ Substance abuse programs are there to help and will allow you or your loved ones to lead a better life in a few short weeks time˳

The goal of a substance abuse program is to ensure that you (or a loved one) never return to the rehab center˳

Call up 888-749-0064 to talk to an expert to learn more on how you can deal with your addiction issues˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Substance-Abuse-Programs—Why-Opt-for-a-Substance-Abuse-Program?&id=6960902

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