Home News Passive Income, YouTube And the Google AdSense Program

Passive Income, YouTube And the Google AdSense Program

Passive Income, YouTube And the Google AdSense Program

One of the many wonders of the internet, is that the giant Google have made it incredibly easy for you to generate a bit of income by using their AdSense program˳

In 2006, Google did something amazing˳ They bought YouTube˳ On the surface, this may sound quite innocent, but this was a global marketing goldmine for them and an opportunity for anyone to make a bit of money from it˳

When we search for something on the internet, most of us use Google’s search engine, sometimes without realising how wonderful it is˳ We key in a few words in the search box and up comes lots of websites with information on your chosen subject˳ Just think how difficult this was to do in the old days of reference libraries and encyclopedias!

In that list of searches, up near the top will nearly always be, you’ve guessed it, a YouTube video! It’s rather obvious now that the search engine and YouTube are owned by the same company˳

A key point to all of this is that most people would rather learn about something, or be entertained by watching a video, rather than reading lots of text about it˳ It’s just the way we are these days˳

When we click on the YouTube link to watch a video, it will either start with an advert, which should be relevant to the subject that you searched for, or a pop up window will appear sometime during the playback of the video˳ If you click on this, you will be taken off to a relevant website˳

If the advert, or even a portion of it, is watched at the start of your video, or clicked on during playing your video, Google pays the maker of it a small payment if you have chosen to ‘monetise’ your video˳

What this means is that you can make lots of informative or entertaining videos and earn lots of micro payments from it˳ This is a great passive income machine and a great way to supplement your income˳

To start off this process, you need to sign up to a Google AdSense program and open an account, which is free˳ You can even get the money generated paid into your bank account˳

The more informative and entertaining your videos are, the more popular they will be and the more money you will make from them˳ So there are always channels to promote your videos via Twitter and Facebook˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Passive-Income,-YouTube-And-the-Google-AdSense-Program&id=7343699

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