Home Health Eating well for ‘sex’ is real?

Eating well for ‘sex’ is real?

Eating well for 'sex' is real?

Some people have sexual dysfunction due to the habit of eating only one food, or being picky about eating, or eating too many foods that are harmful to reproductive health˳

Is it true to eat well for sex?  - Photo 1.

Good food for men – Illustration

Eating is a therapy that can cure sexual dysfunction˳ Therefore, mastering culinary principles is important in protecting and preserving reproductive functions˳

Abstain from fatty, sweet, and pungent dishes

Herbalist Vu Quoc Trung, Vietnam Oriental Medicine Association, According to oriental medicine, the spleen is the root of the post-tian, a source of biochemistry and gas, fat easily harms the spleen and makes the spleen and stomach function erratic, incomplete semen, lack of sperm, low blood˳ easily weaken the body, leading to sexual decline˳

Therefore, if you eat too much fat, it will interfere with metabolism, warm and humid fermentation, flow down the digestive tract, leading to spermatogenesis, premature ejaculation, flowing down the muscles, impotence˳

Regularly eating fatty meat and drinking heavy alcohol not only affects longevity but also easily affects sexual function˳

“So, don’t eat a lot of viscera because these foods are rich in energy and high in fat, especially cholesterol˳ These substances accelerate aging, especially sexual aging, reduce libido and increase erectile dysfunction,” Trung emphasized˳

It is recommended to eat a lot of foods that are easy to digest, nourish the kidneys, and benefit essential oils such as vegetable oils, vegetables, legumes, liver, poultry eggs, fish, peanuts, sesame… According to scientists, these are the foods The product contains many precious amino acids to enhance sperm production˳

Abstain from cold foods

Oriental medicine believes that eating a lot of cold food causes kidney yang not enough, damaged, fire destiny leading to low sperm count, cold yin, and deterioration of sexual function˳

Oriental medicine says: “Coldness eats a lot of damage to the yang, harms sexual activities”˳

Bulbs, young tubers of the cycads, five-leaf pine nuts, rabbit meat, cat meat, pig brains, goat brains, cottonseed oil… are not good for sexual function, eating a lot, eating often leads to deterioration sexual function or low sperm count, impotence˳

Therefore, according to Mr˳ Trung, for the above foods, people with sexual dysfunction should not eat, people with normal sexual function should also eat less˳

Do not eat too salty

Oriental medicine says, the salty taste first enters the kidney˳ Moderately salty is not harmful, but often eating salty, eating too salty will damage the kidneys, damage the new translation, weaken the spirit, disadvantage yang˳

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Research results show that the elderly, in addition to persevering in manual labor in accordance with their own strength and abstinence from sex, in terms of food, are persistent in eating frugally˳

Ideally, use only 1-2g salt/day; eat a lot of vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin A, selenium; Limit eating cold, high-protein, greasy foods…

Eat a variety of foods to nourish your kidneys and yang

Trung analyzed, according to Oriental medicine: the five flavors enter the stomach, each goes to the appropriate place, sour first into the liver, bitter first into the heart, sweet first to the spleen, spicy first to the waste, salty first When entering the kidney, gas will increase for a long time, and matter will be digested normally˳

Therefore, people need different kinds of nutrients, because each food has different nutritional value for human health˳ Therefore, we need to base on the requirements of the body to choose the right food…

That’s important for health in general and sexual health in particular˳ We can’t just like a certain food or be picky about it, otherwise it will be harmful to the body, affecting reproductive function˳

“Clinically, some people have sexual dysfunction due to being used to eating certain foods or being picky eaters, because liking a certain food can lead to a deficiency of some nutrients˳ make the kidney not enough, sperm deficiency leads to infertility “- Mr˳ Trung emphasized˳

Herbalist Vu Quoc Trung pointed out that according to modern science, the zinc content of sperm is as high as 0˳2%˳ If you do not eat foods with high zinc content, the zinc content in the body will be deficient, leading to impaired sexual function, even infertility˳

Based on the theory of oriental medicine on kidney tonic, beneficial qi, yang and modern nutrition and semen composition, men should regularly eat the following foods, and at the same time pay attention to their coordination˳ ˳

Animals such as: sheep kidney (goat), ox tail, chicken eggs, animal liver, poultry eggs, lean meat, sea cucumber, squid, eel, turtle, carp, carp, carp, chicken, duck …

Vegetables: legumes and their preparations, chives, spinach, celery, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, herbs, onions, taro, white ear fungus˳

Fruits: almonds, grapes, pomegranates, pineapples, apples, lychees, strawberries…

Should combine foods such as fried eggs with chives; oval porridge with lean meat, spring onions; pork liver chives soup; Pork liver tofu soup…

Oriental medicine believes that the above foods have the effect of tonic kidney, yang, strong absorption˳

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Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/an-uong-tot-cho-chuyen-ay-la-co-that-20230421140825719˳htm

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