Home Health The sun is hot, many people are sick

The sun is hot, many people are sick

The sun is hot, many people are sick

In the past few days, the weather in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and many central provinces has been very hot˳ The intense heat makes outdoor workers more susceptible to heatstroke and heatstroke˳ Children falling ill because of the heat also increased˳

The sun was hot, many people fell ill - Photo 1.

Workers on Luong Dinh Cua Street, Thu Duc City struggled under hot weather at noon on April 23 – Photo: PH˳ UYEN

How to protect your health in this harsh hot weather like today? Careful what?

“Dizziness, dizziness, sore throat”

The National Center for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting said that on April 23, hot weather still covered all regions of the country˳ Particularly in Ho Chi Minh City, the highest real temperature on April 23 was 36 degrees Celsius, but many people felt the midday temperature reached 40 degrees Celsius˳

With the nature of work or traveling on the street, Mr˳ Thien (42 years old, HCMC) said that the weather in Ho Chi Minh City in the past few days has been too hot, sultry and uncomfortable since Tet˳ Although he took the initiative to bring a large water bottle when he went to work, it was still not enough for his body˳

“When I walk a lot on the street, I feel dizzy and dizzy˳ People are very upset, sweat pours out and wet their clothes˳ When driving a long distance and can’t drink water, the throat is dry,” – Mr˳ Thien said˳ know˳

The unpleasant heat of the past few days has caused chronic sinusitis of Ms˳ N˳ (32 years old, HCMC) to recur with symptoms of headache, frequent runny nose, sneezing, sinus pain… “I thought it would be easy to get sick when it was cold and rainy weather, but it was too hot,” said Ms˳ N˳˳

Young children are a group that is especially vulnerable to hot weather like today˳ Many children have to be hospitalized for treatment because of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases that “indirect culprit” is hot weather˳

A series of children hospitalized

Doctor Doan Thi Thanh Hong – Respiratory Department 1, Children’s Hospital 2 (HCMC) – said that in the past few days, the department has received children hospitalized for treatment due to the influence of hot weather, mainly children˳ pneumonia, asthma, gastroenteritis…

Particularly at the clinic (outpatient examination), the hospital recorded an increase of 20% of children with respiratory diseases coming to the clinic, the cause was determined to be related to the hot weather˳

“The change in temperature makes children susceptible to respiratory diseases, not only that, but children also suffer from skin diseases, gastrointestinal diseases such as gastroenteritis due to many factors,” said Dr˳ Hong˳

Dr˳ Phan Thai Son – deputy head of the intensive care unit at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City – said that with the current hot weather, anyone is at risk of heatstroke˳ This situation easily occurs when we are in a sunny environment for more than an hour with a high temperature above 40 degrees Celsius˳

In particular, construction workers and agricultural workers who are forced to spend a long time in the sun are even more dangerous˳ Or when working at high altitude places such as climbing ladders, building high-rise buildings, heatstroke will make your head dizzy and fall very dangerously˳

The sun was hot, many people fell ill - Photo 2.

Pedestrians take advantage of drinking water under the blazing sun in District 12, Ho Chi Minh City – Photo: X˳MAI

Don’t be subjective, drink enough water

Doctors warn that hot weather makes the body sweat a lot, causing dehydration, electrolytes, easily leading to metabolic disorders, even heat stroke˳ However, there are still many people who are subjective, or try to work outdoors, endangering their health˳

Dr˳ Thai Son added that the symptoms of heatstroke can range from fatigue, dizziness, headache, red face, to confusion, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, increased heart rate˳ up and possibly comatose˳ Late manifestations are detected at the hospital such as kidney failure, muscle destruction, tendon loss, affecting the brain, heart and possibly death if not treated promptly˳

Particularly in children, the doctor of Children’s Hospital 2 warned that when children are active and constantly playing in a high temperature environment, it can lead to heat shock˳ This is a life-threatening condition because the body temperature rises too high, above 40 degrees Celsius˳ Heat stroke can damage the central nervous system and other body tissues, which is a medical emergency˳

To prevent heatstroke, Dr˳ Thai Son recommends that people drink enough water, wear light-colored loose clothing, and limit outdoor work from 11am to 2pm˳ When going out in the sun, you should be fully equipped with wide-brimmed hats, masks, glasses, clothing and work hats…

Do not work too long in the sun or in a hot environment˳ Regularly rest in a cool place after about an hour of work˳

The North is hot and sunny, pay attention when working outdoors

According to Dr˳ Nguyen Van Chi – in charge of A9 Emergency Center, Bach Mai Hospital (Hanoi), when the outdoor temperature rises, outdoor workers such as farmers, construction workers, people who have to Be careful when traveling on the road˳

In addition, with the coming long holiday, many families planning to travel also need to be careful to avoid heat for their children˳

When children have symptoms such as extreme thirst, no urine for many hours, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, fever, headache, etc˳, it is necessary to take the child to a medical facility for timely treatment˳


How to give first aid to someone suffering from heatstroke

When detecting a person suffering from heatstroke, Dr˳ Phan Thai Son instructed to quickly take the patient to a cool and ventilated place˳

Then remove the clothes and use a wet towel to cover the neck, armpit, groin, and give the patient water to drink, especially those with electrolytes˳

If the victim is comatose or having difficulty breathing, the patient must be quickly transported to the nearest medical facility˳ During the transportation process, the patient is still regularly applying cool compresses˳

Unprecedented hot weather is The unprecedented heat is ‘burning’ Asia

Meteorologists have noticed an unprecedented increase in temperature and heat in India, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, and China˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/nang-nong-ham-hap-nhieu-nguoi-do-benh-20230423205110347˳htm

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