Home Health Hospitalized COVID-19 cases are mainly high-risk people, protect them?

Hospitalized COVID-19 cases are mainly high-risk people, protect them?

Hospitalized COVID-19 cases are mainly high-risk people, protect them?

The number of cases and hospitalizations for COVID-19 in Ho Chi Minh City in particular and the country in general is increasing˳ The majority of hospitalizations and severe transfers are in the high-risk group˳ So how do they need to ensure preventive factors in the current context?

Hospitalized COVID-19 cases are mainly high-risk people, protect them?  - Photo 1.

A COVID-19 patient on the basis of obesity, suffering from many underlying diseases, has been actively treated at Tan Binh Multi-storey field hospital (HCMC) – Photo: SPRING MAI

According to the Ministry of Health, the high-risk group is people over 50 years old, people with underlying diseases (diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other lung diseases, cancer, chronic kidney disease, overweight and obesity)˳ ), who have not been vaccinated or fully vaccinated against COVID-19˳

Hospitalizations are mainly high-risk people

According to the Ministry of Health and the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City, most of those hospitalized with COVID-19 are in high-risk groups˳ Particularly in Ho Chi Minh City, 86% of COVID-19 patients being treated at the hospital have underlying diseases and 67˳2% of people are over 50 years old˳

Protecting high-risk groups is one of the requirements directed by the Ministry of Health to implement throughout the COVID-19 epidemic˳ Ho Chi Minh City has activated the “Campaign to protect people in risk groups”˳

Hospitalized COVID-19 cases are mainly high-risk people, protect them?  - Photo 2.

Elderly people get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Ho Chi Minh City – Photo: SPRING MAI

Mr˳ Le Manh Hung – deputy director of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (HCMC) – said that most of the patients with COVID-19 who have been being treated at the hospital recently are Elderlyhave an underlying disease˳

Therefore, people need to treat and control underlying diseases, especially the elderly˳ Simultaneously injecting a booster shot of COVID-19 vaccine, implementing 2K (mask and disinfection) as recommended by the Ministry of Health˳

At Cho Ray Hospital, doctor Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngan – deputy head of the tropical diseases department – said that from mid-April-2023, the hospital started receiving treatment for patients with COVID-19, on average every day˳ receive 1-2 new cases˳

The common feature is that all cases have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, heart failure, heart valve, chronic lung disease, and immunodeficiency˳ When these patients are transferred to the tropical diseases department, most of them require mechanical ventilation or dialysis˳

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People living together need to wear masks, disinfect…

The protection of people at risk is not only their own, but also depends on family members˳

According to the HCDC, relatives and people living in the same house when participating in social activities and production workers can carry pathogens to infect this high-risk group˳

To protect people in the risk group, people living in the same house need to wash their hands often, wear masks, keep a distance, and limit gatherings in public places, especially on holidays and festivals˳

Wear a mask when taking care of people in at-risk groups˳ Wash hands with clean water and soap or hand sanitizer before and after care˳ Do not share their personal items˳

Especially encourage and persuade people in the risk group to get vaccinated when it’s their turn˳

When having symptoms of suspected COVID-19, absolutely do not come into contact with people in the risk group, need to immediately contact local health for instructions˳

When determining COVID-19 infection, it is necessary to completely isolate people from risk groups˳ The infected person is isolated in a separate room˳ If the family does not have enough conditions for isolation, the infected person and the person in the risk group should not live in the same house˳

According to the Ministry of Health’s report, on April 26, there were 2,731 new cases of COVID-19˳ This is the day with the highest number of cases in more than half a year, but compared to the previous day (April 25), an increase of 230 cases˳ Currently, there are 123 patients on oxygen throughout the country, of which 86 are breathing oxygen through a mask, 11 are HFNC high-flow oxygen, 2 are non-invasive ventilators, and 24 are invasive ventilators˳

Ho Chi Minh City discovered many new sub-variants of Omicron, actively protecting at-risk groupsHo Chi Minh City discovered many new sub-variants of Omicron, actively protecting at-risk groups

From clinical samples for epidemiological surveillance in the community of the Center for Disease Control of Ho Chi Minh City and the Pasteur Institute of Ho Chi Minh City on April 21, the city discovered new sub-variants of Omicron˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/ca-covid-19-nhap-vien-chu-yeu-la-nhom-nguoi-nguy-co-cao-bao-ve-ho-sao-20230427120727113˳htm

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