Home News Statistics on Adults Returning to College

Statistics on Adults Returning to College

Statistics on Adults Returning to College

Due to the economy these days, and the huge number of newly graduated youngsters, the job market is a fierce competitive monster to be reckoned with˳ Many older, more experienced, adults are using a return to school to add extra armor to their resume in an attempt to come out on top˳ But the process of making that return can be a long arduous fight all on its own˳

Most employees over 35 have disadvantages they must tote along with them through their returning education years˳ They have families to care for, financial instability due to unemployment, or they contend with their unsatisfying job that they must cling to for dear life until they are able to earn that certification that will allow them to advance onto something greater˳ Battling all of these added troubles can be tiresome, but if you want something better for yourself, you have to make sacrifices˳

Now, it seems that many older adults are returning to college and deciding to make those sacrifices˳ Some find ways to squeeze schooling into their already hectic lifestyle by waking up before dawn to study, or attending weekend, or online classes˳ Some other adults returning to college will take on a full workload during the day and then attend classes afterward for some nighttime college schooling˳

Student admissions over the age of 35 have climbed in numbers, especially in the last 10 years˳ Adults returning to college now make up almost 20% of enrollment these days, which is double what it used to be when they were the young 18-year-old demographic˳ These days two in every five college students are older than 25˳

Online colleges have become the best ally to older adults who wish to progress in the competitive workforce˳ About 75% of colleges offer online courses in the U˳S˳ alone˳ The University of Phoenix Online boasts 63,000 students attending already with numbers rising˳ Adults returning to college to finish a bachelor’s degree or earn some type of certification tend to gravitate towards these types of methods because it allows them to attend a class at home while watching over their children, or allot their time given for school in a more convenient way˳

The numbers on adults returning to college is on the rise, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon˳ Soon, the income gap between college graduates and non-grads will grow even larger and education will be more important than ever˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Statistics-on-Adults-Returning-to-College&id=3639820

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