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Facebook Presentation Secrets for Social Media

Facebook Presentation Secrets for Social Media

Facebook Presentation Secrets for Social Networking˳

Presentation is all about what your visitor sees first (usually an image and/or video) on Facebook and social networking˳ Scrolling through the feed content, your social media post must attract attention˳ Therefore, a featured image or video thumbnail of the required dimensions and file size is of paramount importance˳

Learn how to create curiosity with presentation in social networking and on Facebook˳ Know what your audience on social media is looking for˳ There are 3 basic requirements to meet the criteria˳ Address an identified need within your niche on Facebook and social media˳ Offer a solution and create curiosity˳

Your content must do the talking and consistent posting on Facebook˳ But we will get around to consistent posting with Facebook and social media later in this article˳ Done with an exceptionally well designed auto posting tool˳

Timing Strategy for Social Media and Facebook˳

Consistent posting needs timing and strategic writing with attention grabbing presentation˳ Therefore, it will require a few days and even weeks of sharing posts to establish optimized engagement time˳ That is why I mentioned the auto posting tool for social networking and Facebook˳ Which you will have access to shortly˳

To target the right audience on Facebook and social media you post at times when audiences are most active˳ If you want to target a United States audience for instance, then search Google for the time zone˳ Then calculate the time you must post to social media and Facebook from your location˳

Posting to Facebook and social networking at the wrong time can be devastating from a marketing point of view˳ Because your audience you wish to target may be sleeping˳ Therefore, all that presentation work just goes down the social media and Facebook feed in hope of some hits˳

Creating presentations (posts) that will keep your visitors occupied is the whole point to posting on social networking and Facebook˳ Therefore, posting at the wrong time completely defeats the purpose˳ You have 2 powerful free tools, Google, and YouTube˳ Learn the secrets of how and what to do research on˳

Creating Content for Facebook and Social Media˳

Text position for social networking and Facebook post featured images are important for presentation˳ The key is consistent content and presenting your message in a timely and curios fashion˳ With social networks and Facebook, timing and presentation is crucial˳

The image displayed with your post being it social networks, Facebook, or blog post˳ Will be cropped from the sides for mobile content display˳ Avoid creating “broken message” presentations this way with your writing and designing˳ Text focused to the sides of images will be cut off˳

Although for social networking and Facebook posts our goal with text position is focused more on creating curiosity˳ Again, leveraging presentation and what your visitor sees first is the secret˳ URLs shared must be from your own blog, YouTube videos and/or bridge and landing pages˳ But never an affiliate link˳

Social media and Facebook does have quite a few “hoops” to jump through˳ Like adding hashtags for instance˳ Because you are preparing your presentation (post) to share to selected Facebook Groups˳ The list of Facebook Groups I personally use will be available at the end of this article˳

For knowing which hashtags are currently trending on social networking and Facebook, you can use a tool called (hashtags dot org)˳ First you need to get to know your way around creating content consistently for social media and successful presentation˳

Secrets for Social Networking and Facebook Posting˳

The secrets of using emojis for social media and Facebook post presentations come highly recommended˳ Draw your visitor’s attention to the presentation by making it colourful˳ Create interesting 1 – 3 sentence posts˳ Make those first few sentences powerful and “need” specific˳

But also use your free Facebook posting tools to add H1 and H2 headers to your presentations (posts)˳ To focus your presentation on the H1 and H2 headers, add hashtags at the end of your presentation˳ Because then your H1 Header is the first text in your social media and/or Facebook post˳

Adding headers however is only available when you do manual posts in Facebook groups˳ But it is a great way to make your presentation easier understandable by both your social media audiences and search engines˳ Remember to include your target keywords in the presentation (post) headers˳

Use emojis to replace words in the text for Facebook posts, triggering curiosity˳ Use Bold and Italic text to highlight focus points as demonstrated above˳ And remember that all these social media presentation techniques can be accessed and leveraged 100% for free! All you need is to be a little creative really˳

You can also ask your friends on Facebook if your post draws attention˳ Listen to people’s opinion and adjust accordingly˳ Remember, with social networks and Facebook our primary objective is to create curiosity through presentation˳ Because as mentioned earlier, the only secrets are presentation and timing!

Bridge Pages for Social Media and Facebook˳

The fact that Facebook will not ban or block Google links, give us the upper hand from an affiliate marketing point of view˳ Google sites is an outstanding method to create consistent social media and Facebook posts˳ A Google site is a custom URL, and the slug can contain your target keywords˳

But we will get to writing SEO friendly content and backlinks for the bloggers here a little later in the article˳ Keep reading, these social network and Facebook presentation secrets are rather simple to follow˳ You have 3 options for Bridge Pages with affiliate marketing on Facebook˳

CB Pro Ads

One Page Profits

Clone Me

With Google sites all the work is on you, from writing to creating images˳ It is your job to create striking presentations for social media and Facebook˳ With the remaining 3 tools, all the bridge pages are done-for-you˳ You do not need to create any content or write anything except linking your affiliate networks˳

We are creating Goole Sites and using Bridge Pages because sharing raw affiliate links will get you suspended on social networks and Facebook˳ Social media marketing is all about bridge pages, landing pages and funnels˳

But for the purpose of this article˳ We are only going to focus on bridge pages for social networks and Facebook˳ And generating sales with affiliate marketing through this technique˳ Leveraging social networking, social media along with writing and media design secrets˳

Secrets to using Google Sites for Facebook˳

The secrets to using Google sites for social media and Facebook presentations is almost an unfair advantage˳ On second thought, no, not almost˳ It is an unfair secret advantage, especially once you get the hang of SEO˳ Because SEO is just the ability to best tell search engines what your content is about˳

Share with Groups on Facebook but with different text on each share˳ But before you do there is one paramount requirement with regards to your presentation˳ Your Google Site URL will select a particular image on your Google site as social media post presentation image˳

The question is, which “secret” image is automatically selected for social media and Facebook? And the answer is, the Google site logo˳ And a good, suggested dimension is 940 x 788 / 950 x 650˳ These presentation images can be created with Microsoft Paint or Canva for social media and Facebook˳

But there are also a few great SEO techniques we will discuss under the last subheading˳ Keep reading and learn a lot about content creation, social media, Facebook, writing and presentation˳ You will be blown away by the traffic potential with social media and Facebook˳

Apart from link building, strategic keyword placement in titles are important˳ But so is the first 2 – 4 lines of your Google site content˳ Much the same as the requirements for a great post on social media and Facebook˳ All part of the secrets to presentation and creating curiosity˳

Get More out of Social Networking and Facebook˳

Multiple social network profiles (pages, groups, spaces, communities) play a major role with presentation secrets for social media and Facebook˳ Especially Facebook pages because you get to leverage the call-to-action button˳ Which then redirects to a bridge page, Google site or landing page˳

Audience engagement with Facebook is great for building reputation˳ Adding presentation secrets to the mix and creating curiosity makes success imminent˳ The more active and consistent you are the more visible you will become˳

So, the secrets to getting the most out of social networks and Facebook˳ Focus on quality content and presentation, along with consistency and engagement˳ It is a lot of work to stand out on the internet, especially on social media˳ Because it had become rather crowded with marketers chasing the quick buck˳

Always be real and do not make everything you offer on social networks a sales pitch˳ In fact, if your presentation creates enough curiosity, you will never have to sales pitch again˳ Ever˳ Commenting and offering solutions without any sales pitch and/or URL is another secret to build recognition on Facebook˳

Be sure to get known as “the guy who helped” instead of the guy trying to sell something on social media˳ When people on social networks and Facebook recognise your knowledge, you will be unstoppable˳ Growing your audiences through presentation secrets and knowledge˳

Secret List of Groups for Facebook Presentations˳

Giving you 11 of my favourite secret Facebook Groups with social media that will drive a lot of traffic to your posts (presentations)˳ Because we are looking at a total group member count of 1 824 800˳ Almost 2 Million Members! But that is just the tip of the traffic iceberg with social media and Facebook!

Make Money Online (151˳6K Members)

Make Money Online Club Australia (193˳3K Members)

Earn Money Online USA – Canada – Australia (85˳3K Members)

Affiliate Marketing – Worldwide (335˳3K Members)

Make Money Online Club (218˳5K Members)

Affiliate Marketing Work – Worldwide (222˳3K Members)

No1 Online Earning Community (245˳6K Members)

Advertise Business and Make Money (69K Members)

Affiliate Marketing for Everyone (163˳4K Members)

Unlimited Advertising + (80˳2K Members)

Network Marketing Pro (60˳3K Members)

Remember to follow the presentation and design secrets in this article˳ You will soon master the art of leveraging social media and Facebook for traffic˳ Getting unlimited free traffic can be done, but it is hard work˳ And unfortunately, there are no shortcuts˳ Competitive presentation requires maximum effort!

Establish the right time to post your presentations (Google Sites) on social networks and Facebook˳ And post only one post per day to each Facebook group˳ But read the group rules and understand what is allowed˳ Spamming and over posting is not a good idea˳ The secret is to build an audience over time˳

Bonus Traffic Technique with Facebook Pages˳

Leveraging Google sites and the call-to-action button with Facebook pages for social network traffic˳ One important thing to remember is that for everything we discuss in this post˳ There is probably a Google article and/or YouTube video that will show you exactly how it is done˳

Therefore, just search your browser or YouTube for a video on how to use the call-to-action button with Facebook pages˳ Then follow the steps and redirect the call-to-action button to your landing page˳ Like a Google site or bridge page that must then redirect to your affiliate offer˳

Using the post scheduling tool mentioned earlier is a fantastic way to build Facebook audiences˳ And eventually they start clicking on the call-to-action button˳ That is why interesting content with curios presentation is the secret to social media˳ Give people reason to want to like and follow your content˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Facebook-Presentation-Secrets-for-Social-Media&id=10491795

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