Home Health Many young people lose their gallbladder because of small stones, but the...

Many young people lose their gallbladder because of small stones, but the consequences are big

Many young people lose their gallbladder because of small stones, but the consequences are big

Many people are subjective with small gallstones because they think that “the bigger it is, the more beneficial it is” without knowing that this rule is no longer completely true in gallstones˳ Just because the small stones get into the gallbladder neck duct causing blockage, the patient easily loses his life˳

Doctor Dang Quoc Ai performed laparoscopic surgery to remove the gallbladder due to stones - Photo: BVCC

Doctor Dang Quoc Ai performed laparoscopic surgery to remove the gallbladder due to stones – Photo: BVCC

Dangerous because of subjective small pebbles

A 20-year-old male patient, with 2 days of abdominal pain and high fever, was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute cholecystitis due to stones stuck in the gallbladder neck˳ The patient had an emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy at Hospital E, otherwise it would be life-threatening˳

Similarly, a 35-year-old female patient was admitted to the hospital weighing 92 kg, with a history of detecting gallstones 3 years, this time 2 days after admission, dull pain in the right lower quadrant with fever, palpable gallbladder distended under the right lower quadrant˳

The patient was indicated for emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy, during the operation the gallbladder was closed by the great omentum and adjacent organs, white pus in the gallbladder, during the operation, the patient had a fever of 39 degrees C˳˳ ˳

Dr˳ Dang Quoc Ai, deputy head of the surgical department of E Hospital, said that one day he had to operate 5 cases of acute cholecystitis mainly due to stones˳ This is a leading surgical emergency in Vietnam but people do not know˳

“The stones in the gallbladder are the seeds of disaster, sometimes not properly cared for and there are cases where it takes the owner’s life˳ In addition, the removal of a gallbladder in a state of disrepair˳ Acute inflammation will be more difficult and more likely to have complications and complications than before acute inflammation “- Mr˳ Ai emphasized˳

Doctor Ai analyzed the common law in nature “the bigger the better”˳ However, that rule is no longer completely true in gallstone disease˳ Because the small stone itself is very dangerous, it is easier to get into the gallbladder neck duct and cause obstruction˳

Especially if the stone falls out of the cystic duct and enters the common bile duct, it is even more harmful˳

Early detection avoids life-threatening complications

According to Dr˳ Do Tuan Anh, head of hepatobiliary surgery, Viet Duc Friendship Hospital, gallstones are a common disease in Vietnam and can be found in anyone˳ Gallstones are detected very simply by ultrasound and some laboratory tests˳

If you feel abdominal pain, especially liver pain, fever, signs of jaundice, you need to go to a medical facility for examination˳ If people are subjective, leaving the disease in a serious condition will lead to many complications such as cholecystitis or stones falling into the biliary tract, causing complications of acute pancreatitis, acute biliary obstruction˳

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    Eating a lot of fried and fried foods and drinking milk tea, many young people have gallstones

    Eating a lot of fried and fried foods and drinking milk tea, many young people have gallstones

Early detection and timely treatment of gallstones will support effective treatment and prevent dangerous complications such as:

Peritoneal cholecystitis and biliary peritonitis: Biliary obstruction and infection caused by stones lead to increased pressure in the biliary tract, damaging the biliary system, through which infectious bile can penetrate the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal infection˳ In severe cases, biliary necrosis can cause biliary peritonitis˳

Acute pancreatitis due to stones: It is a very common complication, including acute pancreatitis with edema and necrosis˳ Necrotizing pancreatitis can easily lead to septic shock and even death˳ Patients with severe pain, vomiting and epigastric spasticity accompanied by symptoms of cardiovascular collapse in severe cases˳

Bleed honey: The patient presented with symptoms of gallstones and vomited blood and passed black stools, typically vomiting blood clots in the shape of a pencil˳ Gastroscopy revealed blood in the duodenum of biliary origin˳

Purulent cholangitis and hepatobiliary abscess: The patient has a lot of pain in the liver area, severe infection: high fever, chills, dry lips, dirty tongue, exhausted body due to lack of water and poisoning˳

Septic shock of the biliary tract: It is a serious complication, accounting for 16-24%˳ Mostly seen in the elderly, 75% in people over 50 years old˳ Septic shock is the leading cause of death for patients, often seen in patients with gallstones, severe pain and fever but not promptly treated˳

In addition, people with gallstones can experience chronic complications of hepatobiliary disease such as biliary cirrhosis, cholangiocarcinoma, etc˳

“Some cases with gallstones, stones in the liver have no obvious symptoms, but when there are persistent pain symptoms in the right flank such as dull pain or severe pain spreading to the back or epigastrium; high fever, jaundice, yellow urine … is also when gallstone disease causes serious complications˳

In the past, when medicine was not developed, cholecystectomy was a reluctant choice because the surgery was very heavy, so many people still kept the view that gallstones were only treated when there were complications˳ But today that view is no longer relevant˳

We are living in the era of disease prevention, early detection, early treatment and treatment of disease causes, not until the disease progresses to make it difficult to treat, affecting health, dangerous to life˳ network” – Dr Ai emphasized˳

Oral laser for the first time to dissolve gallstones in the liver in the Central - Central HighlandsOral laser for the first time to dissolve gallstones in the liver in the Central – Central Highlands

TTO – Hue Central Hospital is the first hospital in the Central region – Central Highlands to successfully perform oral laser treatment of intrahepatic gallstones˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/nhieu-nguoi-tre-mat-tui-mat-vi-soi-nho-nhung-hau-qua-to-2023051212332664˳htm

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