Home Health Avocados are delicious and nutritious, but who shouldn’t eat?

Avocados are delicious and nutritious, but who shouldn’t eat?

Avocados are delicious and nutritious, but who shouldn't eat?

Avocado is considered a nutritious fruit, the greasy taste makes many women think that eating avocado is at risk of gaining weight˳ But experts say there is some evidence that avocados can help promote weight loss, prevent cancer risk˳

Avocados are delicious and nutritious, but who shouldn't eat?  - Photo 1.

Avocado is a nutritious fruit that helps lose weight if used correctly – Illustration

Eating avocado helps to lose weight

According to physician Phung Tuan Giang, president of the Institute for Research and Development of Traditional Medicine of Vietnam, avocado is a fruit that helps to lose weight and improve physique if we use it properly˳

Currently, a diet low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats is the solution to promote weight loss˳ Avocado is a fruit rich in vitamins, minerals and natural unsaturated fats˳

Avocados also contain a lot of fiber that helps slow down the digestive process, making you feel fuller for longer and limiting hunger˳

“Specifically, the fat and fiber in avocados increase satiety and increase hormones that help us eat less, stay hungry longer, and prevent overeating, snacking and sugar addiction˳

That’s one reason why increasing dietary monounsaturated fatty acids is associated with better weight management and improved BMI,” explains Jiang˳

According to herbalist Giang, low-fat diets are now at risk of leading to nutrient malabsorption, insulin spikes, fertility problems and mood-related problems˳ Therefore, when dieting to lose weight, it is necessary to add fats such as in avocados and nuts˳

However, avocado is also a fruit with more calories than other foods˳ So, if you eat too much, your calorie intake will increase, leading to weight gain˳

“Only when consumed in moderation, avocados are a nutritional supplement to a balanced diet˳ Eating avocados twice a week or a day in moderate amounts (about 100-130g) will give you the best results˳” many health benefits,” shared physician Giang˳

Avocados help prevent cancer

According to information from the Center for Clinical Nutrition, K Hospital, clinical studies show that MUFA in avocado helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men˳ For other types of cancer, clinical research is limited˳

Specifically, the nutritional composition of avocado depends on avocado variety, soil, season, and maturity of the tree˳

In the studied variety Persea Americana, 100g of P˳ Americana avocado pulp contained 15g of fat, mainly MUFA and PUFA, 8˳5g of carbohydrates and 2g of protein˳

On average, 100g of avocado provides about 160 kcal, 14% of the body’s daily potassium needs˳ In addition, extracts from avocado pulp, seeds, and leaves also produce substances with antioxidant activities, against cancer cells such as carotenoids, phenolics, furanone derivatives, etc˳


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Cancer cell lines inhibited by avocado extracts (leaves, bark, pulp, seeds) that have been demonstrated in vitro include: breast, colon, liver, lung, larynx leukocytes, esophagus, mouth, ovaries, and prostate˳

The extracts by different mechanisms act on cell division, contributing to the antitumor activity of the whole avocado˳

Studies also show that extracts from leaves, bark, and seeds have a higher antioxidant capacity than the pulp˳ However, these antioxidants need more research to understand their toxicity and efficacy in humans˳

Who shouldn’t eat avocado?

According to nutritionists, although avocado is a fruit that brings a lot of nutrition, but in some cases should limit the use of this food˳

People with kidney disease should not eat too much avocado because avocado contains a lot of potassium, which will make the disease worse˳

In addition, pregnant and lactating women should not eat too much butter, because it can affect milk, causing abdominal pain and diarrhea˳

Some studies also show that oils in avocados such as estragole and anethole can affect the liver˳ Therefore, people who are having liver problems should also limit this fruit˳

Although uncommon, some people are allergic to avocados, causing symptoms such as hives and itching˳

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Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/trai-bo-ngon-bo-nhung-ai-khong-nen-an-20230513091059005˳htm

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