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LAN Design and the Hierarchical Network Model

LAN Design and the Hierarchical Network Model

CCNA focuses on networks for SMBs (small, medium businesses)˳

A hierarchical design model is recommended˳

Easier to manage and expand˳

Problems are solved more quickly˳

Hierarchical design divides the network into 3 layers˳

Core, (CL)˳

Distribrution, (DL)˳

Access, (AL)˳

Each layer provides specific functions˳

This “modularity” facilitates scalability and performance˳

Access Layer, (AL): lowest

Interfaces with the end device (user)˳

Includes routers, switches, bridges, hubs and wireless APs˳

Provides a means of connecting devices to the network and controlling which one communicate on the network˳

Distribution Layer, (DL):

Aggregates data received from the AL before transmitting to the CL for routing˳

Controls traffic flow using policies and delineates broadcast domains with VLANs defined at the AL˳

VLANs allow traffic segmentation (separate subnetworks)˳

DL switches are typically high-performance devices that have high availability and redundancy to ensure reliability˳

Core Layer, (CL):

The high-speed backbone or the internetwork˳

Critical for interconnectivity between distribution layer devices ? needs to be highly available and redundant˳

Often connects to Internet resources˳

Aggregates tfc fm all devices, so it must be capable of forwarding large amounts of data quickly˳

Note: smaller networks often combine the distribution and core layers˳

Three Logical Laye3rs are separated into a well-defined hierarchy˳

It is much harder to see these layers physically˳

Benefits of a Hierarchical Network:


Hierarchical networks scale very well˳

The modularity allows you to replicate design elements˳

Expansion is easy to plan and implement˳


As a network grows, availability becomes more important˳

Availability increases dramatically with hierarchical networks˳

E˳G˳ AL switches connect to 2 DL switches˳ If one DL switch fails, the AL switch can switch to the other one˳

Redundancy is limited is at the access layer˳ Typically, end devices do not connect to multiple switches˳


Properly designed networks can achieve near wire speed btwn all devices˳


AL switches can be configured to provide control over which devices are allowed to connect to the network˳

More advanced security policies available at the DL˳

Some AL switches support L3 functionality, but it is usually the job of the DL switches, because they can process it much more efficiently˳


Changes can be repeated across all devices in a layer because they presumably perform the same functions˳

Deployment of new switches is simplified because configs can be copied with few modifications˳

Consistency within each layer simplifies troubleshooting˳


Because of their modularity and scalability, hierarchical networks are easy to maintain˳

This also means these networks are less expensive˳

With other designs, manageability becomes increasingly complicated as the network grows˳

Principles of Hierarchical Network Design:

Hierarchical design is no guarantee of good design˳

Simple guidelines help differentiate btwn well-designed and poorly designed hierarchical networks˳

Network Diameter:

Usually the first thing to consider˳

The # of devices a packet crosses to reach its destination˳

Small diameter ensures low and predictable latency˳

Bandwidth Aggregation, (adding together):

Combines links btwn switches to achieve up throughput˳

Cisco has a proprietary link aggregation technology called EtherChannel˳

Aggregated links are indicated by multiple dotted lines with an oval or a single, dotted line with an oval˳

Can be used at every layer (less common @ AL)˳


Redundancy can be provided in a number of ways˳

E˳G˳ 2x connections btwn devices, or 2x devices˳

Redundant links can be expensive˳

Designing redundancy starts at the AL˳ You ensure that you accommodate all network devices ? 3 of AL switches˳

This helps determine 3 of DL switches ? CL switches˳

What is a Converged network?

SMBs are increasingly running voice, video and data˳

Convergence is the process of combining these˳

Until recently this was limited to large enterprises˳

Legacy (older) equipment hinders convergence˳

Because analog phones have not yet been replaced, you will also see legacy PBX telephone and IP-based systems˳

Convergence is now easier and less expensive˳

With a convergence there is just one network to manage˳

This costs less to implement and manage˳

IT cabling requirements are simplified˳

Convergence also creates new opportunities˳

You can tie voice and video directly into an employee’s PC˳

No need for an expensive phone or video equipment˳

Softphones (Cisco IP |Communicator) offer a lot of flexibility˳

With software businesses can quickly convert to converged networks with little capital expense˳

With cheap webcams videoconferencing can be added˳

Separate Voice, Video and Data Networks:

Voice networks contain isolated phone lines running to a PBX (Private BDXT Exchange) switch located in a Telco wiring closet PSTN (Public Switch Telephone Network)˳

Telco closet often separate fm the data and video closets˳

New phone ? a new line to the PBX˳

Using a properly designed hierarchical network voice lines can be added with little or no impact˳

Now that networks can accommodate the BW it makes sense to converge˳

Considerations for Hierarchical Network Switches:

Tfc Flow Analysis:

The process of measuring BW usage and analyzing it for performance tuning, planning, and HW improvement˳

To select the appropriate gear in a hierarchical network, you need to spec out tfc flows, users and servers˳

Networks must be designed with an eye on growth˳

Done using tfc flow analysis software˳

Should consider port densities and forwarding rates to ensure adequate growth capability˳

Analysis Tools:

Many tfc flow analysis tools are available˳

E˳G˳ Solarwinds Orion 8˳1 NetFlow Analysis˳

User Communities Analysis:

Identifies user grpings and their impact on net performance˳

Affects port density and tfc flow, which influences the selection of network switches˳

Typically users are grped according to job function˳

E˳G˳ HR one floor and Finance on another˳

Each dept˳ has different users and needs, and requires access to different resources through the network˳

Choose switches that have enough ports to meet the dept needs and pwrful enough to accommodate tfc˳

Good network design also factors in the growth˳

Investigate the tfc generated by end-user applications˳

Some user communities generate a lot, some do not˳

The location of the user communities influences where data stores and server farms are located˳

By locating users close to their servers, you can reduce network diameter, reducing the impact on other users˳

However, usage is not always bound by department or physical location˳

Data Stores and Data Servers Analysis:

Data stores can be servers, SANs, NAS, tape bu units, or any other storage device or component˳

Considers both client-server and server-server tfc˳

Client-server tfc typically traverses multiple switches˳

BW aggregation and switch forwarding rates can help eliminate bottlenecks for this type of tfc˳

Some server apps generate high volumes btwn servers˳

These server shouls be located close to each other (i˳e˳ secured data centers)˳

Tfc across data center switches is typically very high˳

Requires higher performing switches˳

Topology Diagrams:

A graphical representation of a network infrastructure˳

Shows how all switches are interconnected, including which ports interconnect devices˳

It shows where and how many switches are in use˳

Can also contain info on device densities and user grps˳

Helps visually identify potential bottlenecks˳

Very difficult to create after the fact˳

Switch Features:

Switch Form Factors:

Fixed or modular config, and stackable or non-stackable˳

Thickness is expressed in rack units˳ (i˳e˳ 1U, 3U)˳

Fixed Config Switches – Cannot add hardware˳

Modular Switches – chassis allows for multiple line cards which contain the ports˳

The larger the chassis, the more modules it can support˳

Stackable Switches:

Can be interconnected using a special backplane cable that provides high-bandwidth throughput btwn the switches˳

Cisco’s StackWise technology allows you to interconnect up to nine switches using fully redundant backplane connections˳

Stacked switches effectively operate as a single larger switch˳

Desirable where fault tolerance and BW availability are critical and a modular switch is too costly˳


Port Density:

Port density is the 3 of ports available per switch˳

Fixed sitches typically 1,000 ports!

Large enterprise networks require high density, modular switches to make the best use of space and pwr˳

Also prevent uplink bottlenecks˳

A series of fixed swtches consume many additional ports for BW aggregation btwn switches˳

Whith a modular switch, aggregation is less of an issue because the chassis backplane provides the BW˳

Forwarding Rates:

The processing capabilities of a switch in bps˳

Switch product lines are classified by forwarding rates˳

If this rate is too low, it cannot accommodate wire-speed across all ports˳

Wire speed = rate that each port is capable of (10Mbps etc)˳

E˳G˳ 48-port GbE switch at wire speed = 48Gbps of tfc˳

If the switch only supports 32 Gbps (internally), it cannot run at full wire speed across all posrts simultaneously˳

Access switches typically do not need full wire speed because they are physically limited by their uplinks to the DL˳

Link Aggregation:

Determine if there are enough ports to aggregate to support the required BW˳

E˳G˳ GbE 24-port switch could generate up to 24 Gbps˳

If it is connected to the network by a single cable, it can only forward 1 Gbps to the rest of the network˳

That results in 1/24th wire speed for each of the 24 devices˳

Link aggregation helps to reduce these bottlenecks by allowing up to 8 ports to be grped, providing up to 8 Gbps˳

With multiple 10GbE uplinks very high throughput rates can be achieved˳

Cisco uses the term EtherChannel = aggregated ports˳

Power over Ethernet (PoE):

PoE allows a switch to deliver power over existing Ethernet˳

Can be used by IP phones and some wireless APs˳

Allows more flexibility for equipment installations˳

Adds considerable cost to the switch˳

PoE switch marked with a `V`for volts˳

Layer 3 Functions:

Typically, switches operate at L2 and deal primarily with MAC addresses˳

L3 switches offer advanced functionality˳

L3 switches = multilayer switches˳

Switch features in a Hierarchical Network:

Access Layer switch Features:

Port security – first line of defense for a network˳

How many or what devices are allowed to connect˳

All Cisco switches support port layer security˳

VLANs – component of converged networks˳

Voice tfc is typically given a separate VLAN˳

Port speed:

Fast Ethernet is adequate for VoIP and most data tfc˳

PoE – much more expensive, so use only when required˳

Link Aggregation – supported at all 3 lvls˳

QoS – needed for VoIP˳

Distribution Layer Switch features:

Collect all AL switch data and forward it to the CL switches˳

Provides the inter-VLAN routing functions˳

DL switches have higher processing capabilities than AL˳

Need L3 to support inter-VLAN routing˳

Security Policies:

Need L3 so advanced security policies can be applied˳

ACLs control tfc flows through a network˳

ACLs allow switches to filter tfc˳

ACLs are CPU-intensive because they need to inspect every packet and match ACL rules˳

Placing ACLs at the DL also reduces the 3 of switches that require the extra mgmt configuration˳

Policy-based connectivity and departmentaléworkgroup access to the core layer˳

Quality of Service:

DL switches need to maintain the priorities of tfc coming fm the AL switches that have implemented QoS˳

If not all the devices support QoS, the benefits will be reduced -˳ poor performance and quality˳

DL switches are under high demand˳

They need redundancy for adequate availability˳

DL switches are typically implemented in pairs˳

Recommended that they support multiple, hot swappable pwr supplies˳

Finally, they need to support link aggregation and high-bandwidth aggregated links back to the core˳

Core Layer Switch Features:

The CL is the high-speed backbone˳

The forwarding rate is dependent on the number of devices participating in the network˳

If you choose an inadequate switch at the core, you face potential bottleneck issues slowing down all tfc˳

CL switches should support aggregated 10GbE˳

L3 redundancy has faster convergence than L2, so, ensure CL switches support L3 functions˳

CL switches should support FULL redundancy features˳

QoS is important at the core since high-speed WAN access is often prohibitivel expensive˳

Switches for SMBs:

Identify the Cisco switches used in SMB applications˳

The features of Cisco Catalyst Switches:

You cannot simply select a switch by the size of a business˳

Businesses are often cross integrated with other entities˳

A 6500 makes sense as an AL switch where there are hundreds of users in an area, such as a stock exchange˳

Cat Express 500 – forwarding rates = 8˳8 – 24 Gbps˳

Cat 2960 – L3, QoS, no PoE, 16 – 32 Gbps˳

Cat 3560 – enterprise-class PoE, QoS, 32 – 128 Gbps˳

Cat 3750 – stackable high performance˳

Cat 4500 – DL midrange modular – up to 136 Gbps˳

Cat 4900 – data center˳

Cat 6500 – DL and CL – up to 720 Gbps˳


MDF – Main Distribution Facility˳

Gi 0é1 – abbreviation for Gigabit Ethernet ports˳

Spanning Tree – protocols allows redundant paths, but shuts down some links to avoid switching loops˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?LAN-Design-and-the-Hierarchical-Network-Model&id=1414904

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