Home News 15 Funny Jokes to Take to Work

15 Funny Jokes to Take to Work

15 Funny Jokes to Take to Work

Every stress-filled job needs a little injection of humor to lighten the workday load˳ With deadlines zooming, quotas not being met, mistakes made, boss not pleased with your performance, co-workers complaining, and back-stabbing…some days the workplace can seem like nothing but one big self-esteem sucking machine˳ Since the innate desire to shout and slam will not be acceptable try taking two jokes and laughing your way to the next part of your day˳

1˳ We should have known the patient was going to be mean and ornery, he had different colored eyes; two of them were blue˳

2˳ The patient started to settle down after he had been in the hospital for a week, we know because he finally starting waiving at the nurses with all five fingers˳

3˳ The doctor put Sally on a diet, she’s trying to get down to her original weight of six pounds and seven ounces˳

4˳ You know you’ve had a tough day at work when you get home and try to open the front door of your home with your car clicker˳

5˳ The stress level has gotten out of hand when you find yourself at lunchtime standing in front of the microwave yelling, “Hurry!”

6˳ You know you’ll be working more than 40 hour work weeks when your first day on the job they issue you a badge, lap-top, cell phone and a sleeping bag˳

7˳ The barista at the company coffee shop is getting a big aggressive˳ First his tip jar said, ‘Thanks a latte’, then it read, ‘Feeling Tipsy?’ now it has a big sign with, ‘Don’t make me put a bug in your drink!’˳

8˳ My friends think that I’m pretty and smart…which is why, of course, they are my friends˳

9˳ What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef

10˳ Why don’t cannibals eat comedians? Because they taste funny˳

11˳ There ought to be more accurate names for deodorants˳ Why don’t they have names like, Pitt Stop, No Sweat, or for the deodorant that is so effective you don’t even know it’s there, Vice President˳

12˳ They ought to rename Starbucks to Steal-bucks˳

13˳ I’ve got a frog in my throat; tastes like chicken˳

14˳ Q: What did the cow name her baby calf? A: Patty

15˳ Q: How much did the cow’s baby calf weight when it was born? A: A quarter pound

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?15-Funny-Jokes-to-Take-to-Work&id=4188633

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