Home News Wedding Preparation Prayers

Wedding Preparation Prayers

Wedding Preparation Prayers

Wedding preparations can be overwhelming and endless it seems˳ Many brides and grooms by their side have had a meltdown prior to the wedding˳ If you can relate, you are not alone˳

Be encouraged and take heart˳ Fear not! The best is yet to come˳ It has been said that marriage is like making mashed potatoes˳ First, you peel the potatoes˳ Secondly, you place them in hot water to boil˳ Thirdly, you mash them all up together until they become one˳

Whatever stage of life you are currently in, I’m here to tell you that you’re going to make it˳ Maybe you are presently being peeled by life’s circumstances and wedding preparations up to your eyeballs˳ Perhaps you are now boiling in hot water and undergoing some emotional stress˳ Relationally we are all being brought closer together and smoothing out one another’s rough edges˳ The process however can be like crushing grapes to make wine˳ Nevertheless remember how delicious and intoxicating the wine can be once the grapes are crushed˳

Life and love flows in seasons and stages˳ There are many circular parallels between nature and life itself˳ Perhaps you are currently enduring the winter season of your relationship and engagement˳ Realize your love has not died, but rather its roots are going deep and your love’s foundation being strengthened˳ Commitment surpasses romantic notions and fluctuating feelings˳ Often love is more of a decision than a feeling˳

Death and life are always occurring simultaneously˳ Marital love that lasts a lifetime requires that we welcome and embrace a more intense type of relational interaction as we become one˳ That means you both must be committed to personal growth individually and together˳ Therefore when some things are identified as harmful to your marriage, you need to humbly repent of them and be willing to die to them˳ As you die to deadly habits and refine your character, you will resurrect and breathe fresh life into your marriage˳ The more you die to self, the more you together as one shall love and live˳

Here are three wedding preparation prayers to pray together:

“Dear Lord, please help me to be humble, self-aware, and selfless in my love toward others˳ As we prepare for holy matrimony, prepare my heart and establish me in your holiness˳ Forgive me hurtful things done and said˳ Please kindly cleanse and forgive me˳ Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me˳ Help me to experience the love of my heavenly Father and mold me to be more like you˳ Holy Spirit help me to love myself and others unconditionally˳ Enable me to be loving, kind, peaceable, and compassionate˳ In Jesus’ Name˳ Amen˳”

“Heavenly Father, the wedding details and planning is overwhelming as You know˳ Please have mercy on us and help us through it all˳ You instituted and encourage marriage in Your Word˳ We are endeavoring to love and obey You˳ As we do and plan for our wedding, please kindly empower, undergird, and uphold us˳ Please help us inwardly to experience a breakthrough rather than be broken down by all of the planning and preparations˳ Give us Your glorious and radiant Holy Spirit to embody and personify what marriage is truly all about˳ Fill us to overflowing with your divine love so we can be the light of the world˳ Thank you for giving us each other to love and brighten each other’s days˳ Help us to always honor and respect one another˳ In Jesus’ Name˳ Amen˳”

“Lord Jesus, please impart to me your peace˳ Prince of peace give me a divine release and help me relinquish control˳ God, help me not be overwhelmed and overtaken by all of the wedding details˳ Please intervene and take control of that which is beyond my control˳ Help me to enjoy this our wedding day and not be a bridezilla˳ Father in heaven, give me the groom a compassionate, tender, supportive, understanding, and nurturing heart˳ Help us to grow together day by day through it all and remain honorable in all we say and do˳ Let our love be preeminent above all else˳ Reveal to us your love and life God, so we can live by a higher law and not be limited by the minuscule matters here below˳ Show yourself strong God when we are weak˳ We vow to give You all of the glory for every victory˳ In Jesus Name˳ Amen˳”

Be encouraged my friends˳ You are not alone˳ There is nothing new under the sun˳ The honeymoon is ahead after the wedding and will be a most wonderful time for you to rest and rejoice in one another’s love˳ Ironically and truthfully planning a wedding may be one of the most stressful times your life˳ Nevertheless it will greatly show you much about yourself and where you need to grow and mature˳

Rejoice and continually cultivate your maturing love˳ Wishes for love, laughter, and happily ever after!

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Wedding-Preparation-Prayers&id=512205

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