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Challenges Are What Make Life Interesting – Overcoming Them Is What Makes It Meaningful

Challenges Are What Make Life Interesting - Overcoming Them Is What Makes It Meaningful

You probably would agree with me that even the most enthusiastic, energetic, and optimistic person you know needs some encouragement from time to time˳ Perhaps this person is you˳ Even with a sound plan and promising outlook, sometimes life has a way with throwing us curveballs that seem to knock us off our balance˳

Imagine for a moment the rest of this year going exactly as you plan it˳ Wouldn’t it be nice if for the next 230 days you didn’t have any more difficulties? Would you appreciate the sunny days if it didn’t rain until next year? If the change of seasons weren’t noticeable would you appreciate the beauty of the new flowers that come forth in the spring or the change of colors in autumn? Is life truly valuable if there are no issues to overcome or obstacles to hurdle over?

The beauty of winter is that it allows for rest and reflection˳ We value the spring because it gives us the opportunity to sow seeds that we’ll be able to water and nourish throughout the summer˳ And our attraction to the fall is the reaping of the harvest that we have worked so diligently to achieve˳ Even though Mother Nature allows us to experience the changes in the season, our personal lives flow in the same way˳

I started my career in sales in 1995 as an insurance agent˳ I was 20 years old and had just finished my second year of college˳ During my interview with the sales manager I noticed that he had received hundreds of awards throughout his 30 years as an insurance agent˳ My curiosity took the best of me and I inquired of what I must do to achieve his same success˳ His reply was “you must do what I have done to have what I have” I then asked what exactly that would be˳ “You must put in the time, Anthony”, he said˳ “Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy˳ There is no such thing as overnight success˳ And if so you better believe that as fast as it came even faster will it disappear˳”

Life has its ups and downs˳ Challenges are bred so that you will appreciate the outcome even more˳ Challenges are as unto a woman giving birth˳ For nine months she experiences the seasons of a life growing inside of her˳ Without any control from herself her body adheres to the demands that nature places upon it˳ Whether she in agreement with the process of pregnancy or not, she has no choice but to accept the good and the bad that comes with it˳ Suddenly the moment arrives when the baby is ready to make its entrance into the world˳ All that the baby has known for nine months has come to an end even if the child prefers to stay inside his mother’s womb˳

Through all the pain and agony of child-birth the mother is forced to continue with the act of Mother Nature˳ Suddenly after all that both she and the baby has gone through to bring forth a new life into this world, all the labor and pain is overshadowed by the manifestation of the gift that lays across her breast being held and loved unconditionally˳ And even more miraculous is that while the mother “suffered’ through nine months to bring this baby into reality, shortly afterwards many women want to go through this process again and again to have more children˳

Overcoming obstacles is what makes life meaningful… and it makes life worthwhile and enjoyable˳ The harvest is always 100 times more than the seed sown˳ When you are holding the seed of your dreams in your hand please understand that the manifestation of all that is to come is imbedded in the seed˳ It is impossible to spring forth life at harvest time if you never endure the pain and agony during the times when fulfilling your dreams and goals seems far too difficult to achieve˳

Dream BIG, plan, get excited, and take action now… for the world is waiting to cheer your success!

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Challenges-Are-What-Make-Life-Interesting—Overcoming-Them-Is-What-Makes-It-Meaningful&id=7717771

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