Home News Website Planning Guide – 5 Steps to Make a Website

Website Planning Guide – 5 Steps to Make a Website

Website Planning Guide - 5 Steps to Make a Website

Do you want to learn how to make your own website to make money online? Not sure where to start?

This website planning guide will help you outline the high level strategy for creating your website from scratch˳ You will learn how to make your own effective business website, and you don’t need to have advanced technical skills to pull if off˳ Here are the five main steps to make a website:

1˳ Plan

Consider your website objectives — the most important part of your website planning guide is the planning…what are your reasons for a website? How can you best reach these goals through your site? What will be your content focus and offerings?

2˳ Pick a domain name and hosting service

Brainstorm and choose a website domain name˳ Check for availability and buy it (annual renewal fees will apply)˳ Sign up with a web hosting company to host your website and domain name˳ To make it easier, use the same company to buy and host your domain˳

3˳ Build

Browse free website templates and pick a suitable layout and look and feel for your site based on your site’s theme˳ Write original, useful content for your site˳ Publish your content online as website pages˳

4˳ Promote

Consider various marketing strategies to reach your site objectives˳ Test and track your promotion efforts, then adjust your website planning guide to optimize your results˳

5˳ Maintain

Continue to update your site with more original content to increase your value to visitors AND for more opportunities for each page to rank with the search engines˳ Track and adjust your efforts to optimize your business˳

Need more help? Get the ultimate, proven website planning guide

If you’re not a technical pro, all is not lost…there is an excellent resource that will help even the most technically-clueless˳ After all, it’s about building your business (and not fiddling with the technical details)˳

I’ve personally used this all-in-one hosting solution with impressive results in just the first month˳ Site Build It! helps small business owners throughout the five-step process above˳ In fact, SBI simplifies it by making all of the technical, complicated issues disappear˳ You’ll need a web host to get started – so why not use a web host that guarantees your business success?

Web hosting companies spend so much of their time bragging about what they can offer from a feature point of view, but they don’t provide any support or guidance when it comes to coaching and helping their customers succeed˳

But who cares about 10,000 gigabytes of bandwidth if the site doesn’t receive any traffic? Any host can provide the space and the tools, but not many follow through with the necessary coaching their customers need˳

Site Build It! not only offers all the features you need to succeed (and then some), but it also teaches you how to use these tools so you build a successful, thriving business that will reward you for life˳ SBI guides you along each step with its proven, website planning guide˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Website-Planning-Guide—5-Steps-to-Make-a-Website&id=843290

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