Home Health Durian contains many nutrients, what should be noted when eating?

Durian contains many nutrients, what should be noted when eating?

Durian contains many nutrients, what should be noted when eating?

Durian is a fruit that contains many nutrients, but should be used carefully to avoid affecting health˳

Durian can be processed into many different dishes - Photo: DUONG TEA

Durian can be processed into many different dishes – Photo: DUONG TEA

Dr˳ Huynh Tan Vu – lecturer of traditional medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy (HCMC) – said that durian is a rather unique fruit, because it carries with it both extremes of being human˳ love it or hate it to the very end˳

People who love durian find the taste of durian very passionate and hard to resist, can go from liking to becoming addicted˳

People who do not like the smell of durian find the smell unpleasant, or described as the smell of rotten onions… Durian is strange, unique, but has many health benefits˳

Durian has high nutritional value

According to Dr˳ Nguyen Hoai Thu – Nutrition Examination and Consulting Center, Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine, durian provides many vitamins and minerals, has a higher fat and calorie content than many other fruits˳

One cup of chopped fresh or frozen durian equivalent to 243g provides about 357 calories, 3˳6g protein, equivalent to the protein content in some other tropical fruits such as jackfruit, guava; 66g carbohydrates of which a large content is fiber; 3˳1 – 19˳97g sugar˳

The amount of sugar in durian has a glycemic index rating of 49, lower than other tropical fruits like watermelon, papaya and pineapple; 13g of fat, but this is a healthy type of fat, which can help improve the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K˳

Durian has many good micronutrients: iron, phosphorus, vitamin C and folate, potassium and magnesium are good for bone health˳

Eat a cup of durian, the body will be provided with about 38% of vitamin B6; 80% vitamin C; 25% dong; 61% thiamine; 30% potassium; 18% magnesium; 39% of manganese; 29% riboflavin; 22% folate and 13% niacin a person needs each day˳

Who should limit eating durian?

According to Dr˳ Thu, durian is a nutritious fruit, but it needs to be eaten in moderation˳

People who are overweight and obese should limit their intake of this fruit˳ Although durian does not contain cholesterol or unhealthy fats, this fruit is still high in calories˳

A small durian weighing about 602g has about 885 calories˳ This equates to about 44% of the 2,000 recommended daily calories for an average adult˳

People with diabetes should not eat a lot of durian because durian is high in fructose and glucose˳ Excess of these sugars can cause symptoms such as blurred vision and nausea˳

From the point of view of traditional medicine, durian is considered a “heat” food, eating too much will cause a hot condition and symptoms like poisoning˳ Therefore, people with a hot condition and severe constipation should not eat durian˳

Durian contains abundant potassium content, eating a lot causes potassium stagnation in the body˳ Therefore, people with kidney disease and heart disease should limit eating durian because eating a lot can cause heart rhythm disturbances˳

Elderly people should limit eating durian because the cellulose contained in durian meat is at risk of causing constipation and intestinal obstruction˳

How to identify ripe durian trees and ripe durian juice?

About how to recognize ripe durian trees, Dr˳ Thu said that when durian ripens, ripens naturally, when gently pressing on the stem, you will feel the wet stem and see the sap flowing out˳ Durian spines are fresh, hard, firm, beautiful bright color˳

And durian is forced to ripen by dipping in medicine, by picking when the fruit is still green, unripe and left for a long time, so the spines are dark, dark and old˳

When adding natural ripe durian, the segments can be easily separated, the segments are golden yellow, greasy, fragrant, and the durian rice is soft and smooth˳ Meanwhile, chemically soaked durian is difficult to separate, the segments are pale yellow, the taste is pale, the rice is rough due to being cooked˳

The taste of durian can also help consumers identify chemically soaked and naturally ripened durians˳ If durian is soaked in chemicals, when ripe, there is no characteristic strong scent, sometimes no smell˳ Natural ripe durian fruit (falling off by itself) has a characteristic aroma that can still be smelled from afar˳

According to Dr˳ Thu, some traders may use chemicals to press ripe durian˳ The chemicals used for dipping durians are called tebuconazole and carbendazim˳ This is a chemical that kills fungi, belongs to the extremely toxic group, decomposes slowly and has the potential to cause infertility, teratogenicity or cancer˳

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    Farmers lack of goods to sell during durian festival

    Farmers lack of goods to sell during durian festival

Tebuconazole has been listed as a carcinogen by the US Food and Drug Administration˳ This chemical has been removed from the European market˳

Another type of ripening chemical that is frequently used by traders is a solution made from a foliar fertilizer called HPC-97 HXN, which is on the list of fertilizers permitted for use by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development˳ village, in order to stimulate fruit ripening, accelerate flowering, help defoliate legumes… However, HPC-97 HXN must be used at the permissible dosage to not be harmful to consumers’ health˳ ˳

The unexpected effects of durian

Durian can be eaten directly as a dessert fruit, or processed into many attractive dishes such as ice cream, tea, sticky rice, smoothies, durian crepes…

Improve mood: Durian contains the amino acid tryptophan, which helps in the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, giving us a feeling of happiness, calm and relaxation, improving mood after eating durian˳

– Improves digestion: Durian contains a large amount of fiber, both soluble and insoluble, which can prevent stomach problems such as constipation, bloating, and bloating˳

Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease: Durian contains a high amount of potassium, good for blood circulation, good for people with high blood pressure˳

– Plant compounds present in durian have the effect of lowering cholesterol levels, preventing hardening of the arteries, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease˳ In addition, it can also reduce the risk of liver diseases caused by fat accumulation in the liver˳

– Regulate blood sugar: Durian has a low glycemic index˳ Therefore, after eating durian, blood sugar does not rise rapidly˳ This is beneficial for people with diabetes to regulate blood sugar˳

Reducing the risk of cancer: Durian contains many antioxidants, which help eliminate free radicals from the body, reducing the risk of cancer˳

Boost immunity, improve skin health: 100g durian meets 24% of daily vitamin C intake, helps the body strengthen immunity, vitamin C helps white blood cells work better˳

Durian compares to dragon fruit in China, contributing to an additional 500 million USD for vegetablesDurian compares to dragon fruit in China, contributing to an additional 500 million USD for vegetables

While many industries faced difficulties, fruit and vegetable exports in the first 5 months of the year still increased by more than half a billion USD compared to the same period last year˳ In which, durian exports increased sharply, on par with dragon fruit in the Chinese market˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/sau-rieng-chua-nhieu-dinh-duong-luu-y-gi-khi-an-20230613143103149˳htm

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