Home News What Do Asbestosis Symptoms Consist Of?

What Do Asbestosis Symptoms Consist Of?

What Do Asbestosis Symptoms Consist Of?

Asbestosis is a disease caused exclusively by asbestos exposure˳ On an average, 10,000 people die in the United States due to asbestos diseases˳ People who worked in risk conditions during the mid twentieth century are diagnosed with several asbestos related problems˳ Constant and continuous exposure to asbestos results in inhalation of asbestos dust, particles and fibers which cause asbestosis˳ People in the household who inhale asbestos fibers that clung to shoes and clothes are also at risk˳

What Is Asbestosis?

When people working in at-risk occupations inhale asbestos, the fibers enter the lungs and cause asbestosis˳ It is a severe and progressive pulmonary disease˳ The disease is dangerous because asbestosis symptoms show up only after asbestos fibers cause damage to the lungs˳ Moreover, this damage is irreversible and damage can’t be undone˳

Treatments for asbestosis prevent further damage and people will remain affected for the entire life span˳ Once asbestosis symptoms are experienced, there is no going back and treatments help in making breathing comparatively easier˳ Patients are kept at close watch to find out whether asbestosis grows to mesothelioma˳

Asbestosis Symptoms

Asbestosis has a longer latency period which means that the disease develops after several years of exposure˳ When asbestosis symptoms show up, it is an indication that damage has already been caused˳ Typically, the symptoms are noticeable at least 20 to 30 years after exposure˳ It is for this reason that patients with asbestosis belong to the elderly category˳ Early diagnosis of asbestosis symptoms can prevent damage to some extent˳ It is better to consult a physician after you suspect that you may be exposed to asbestos˳

The most evident of the asbestosis symptoms is difficulty in breathing during physical exertion˳ Generalized illness and sick feeling is noticed in most of the patients˳ Persistent dry cough is also one of the most common asbestosis symptoms˳ Fluid accumulation in the lungs is the reason for dry cough˳ Asbestos fibers cause scarring of lung tissues and this may lead to cancerous growth˳ However, asbestosis is not exactly a type of cancer˳ Stiffness of chest wall is also experienced by asbestosis patients and mild breathing difficulty should not be ignored˳ Coughing and wheezing will be experienced by asbestosis patients who smoke˳

Asbestosis symptoms intensify every year and breathing may become increasingly difficult˳ About 15% of asbestosis patients suffer from shortness of breath and respiratory failure˳ Recurrent respiratory infections can’t be avoided with scarred lungs˳ Coughing up blood indicates that the disease has increased in severity˳ Hoarseness and restless sleep due to difficult breathing is experienced by asbestosis patients˳ Some patients have thickened and widened fingers˳ Pleural layer of the lungs will be inflamed due to the scars caused by asbestos fibers˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?What-Do-Asbestosis-Symptoms-Consist-Of?&id=6307704

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