Home News 6 Points of Posture For Sitting

6 Points of Posture For Sitting

6 Points of Posture For Sitting

Since so many of us use computers in our daily lives, often with resulting discomfort throughout the body, I want to encourage you with some posture tips to make you more comfortable at your work station˳*

Start at your feet and assess the posture of your feet and˳ Are they curled under you? do you have more weight on one leg than the other? assess how your feet and legs feel, and find a comfortable neutral posture˳

Now focus your attention on your pelvis˳ Think about and feel the relationship of the “sit bones” with the surface you are sitting on˳ Shift your weight slightly from side to side and in and out of a tilt to find the most comfortable posture˳ Use this comfortable neutral posture as a baseline, and change positions frequently by making minor shifts˳ **

**Think in terms of millimeters of motion

Move your attention up to observe the posture of your trunk and spine˳ Imagine that you have a string from the top of your head to the ceiling, holding you in a comfortable upright posture˳

Rest your arms by your sides and bend your elbows to approximately 90 degrees, allowing your shoulders to drop and relax˳ An upright spine will help you avoid slouching˳

Think about the relationship between your head and neck˳ Balance the position of your nose with the base of your skull˳

The final posture point is to soften your eyes, mouth and tongue˳ Create around 2 mm˳ of space between your teeth, with your tongue resting gently on the roof of your mouth and the tip of the tongue pointing downward˳

Sitting on a posture ball or disk cushion allow you to sit in a more dynamic fashion˳ This will provide input for improved upright posture and increased tolerance to sitting for longer periods of time˳

* these tips apply to any time that you are sitting

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?6-Points-of-Posture-For-Sitting&id=4513876

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