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Tips for Interviewing for the Perfect Job

Tips for Interviewing for the Perfect Job

As a Recruiting Manager for a rapidly growing software development company in Houston there are a number of interview mishaps that I have seen candidates make over the years that have single handedly kept them from getting the job˳
Sometimes what you don’t say during an interview hurts you more than what you do say˳

There are a number of ways to get your resume into the right hands whether you prefer networking through friends or on local Job Boards for example (i˳e˳; http://www˳ITpinnacle˳com) but once you get the interview that’s when the real preparation starts˳
There’s a multitude of interview do’s and don’ts but here are a few deal breakers that I’ve seen over the years˳

1˳ Research: Do your homework and research the company for whom you will be interviewing with˳ If you can Google search any information on the person you will be interviewing with that will be icing on the cake˳ Doing this will show your genuine interest in learning more about the company rather than relying solely on information given to you during the interview˳

2˳ Attire: Three words – “Dress to Impress”˳
Even if the interviewer says that business casual is acceptable it’s always better to be overdressed than under˳ Also don’t forget to take 3 copies of your resume along with a notepad/pen for notes˳

3˳ Arrival: Either make a practice run the day before to establish the most efficient route or Mapquest a set of clear directions to ensure you’re sitting in the lobby badged 15 minutes prior to your interview time˳

4˳ Eye Contact: Try and keep consistent eye contact throughout the interview˳ Find a comfortable medium so you don’t appear un-natural as well as try and keep your eyes from gazing out the window˳

5˳ Interview Balance: Do your best to not dominate conversation during the interview˳ Yes, an interview is one of those rare occasions where it’s totally acceptable to brag and rant about your accomplishments but make sure there is a stable mix between listening and talking˳

6˳ Mirror Effect: Many sales professionals are taught to mirror potential clients to gain acceptance and build rapport˳ Mirroring the hiring manager can be a tricky task but if done correctly can be very beneficial˳ The vast majority of confident people tend to think highly of themselves and if they interview someone who has minor similarities to themselves they are certain to remember you over your competition˳ For example: if you’re a fast talker and the hiring manager speaks much slower than you it’s probably in your best interest to slow it down a notch˳

7˳ Key Questions & The Close:
a) Is this a newly created position or a replacement from someone who has left? If replacement what are the key qualities that they were missing to be successful in the role˳

b) Ask the hiring manager what motivated him/her to join the company

c) Gain understanding to what the daily responsibilities are˳ Try and get the hiring manager to set all expectations so you understand exactly what you are responsible for

d) Ask what a bad day would look like in this particular role

e) Instead of waiting for the hiring manager to call you back with feedback it’s best if you close the interview with the following question: “What concerns do you have that make you think I would not be successful in this position?” If they have no concerns this is where you need to express your interest in moving forward to the next step and if your comfortable it’s a good time to ask for the job˳ If he/she has valid concerns about a specific technology or skill you don’t have just try and address the concern and focus on what you do bring to the table instead of what you don’t˳

Remember the most important thing is finding the right kind of job in the right kind of company˳ Most people spend the bulk of their waking hours with the people they work with rather than their friends or families so look for a boss or co-worker that you wouldn’t mind having lunch with˳
And as always if you don’t ace your first couple of interviews remember to stay positive and chalk up the losses to practice˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Tips-for-Interviewing-for-the-Perfect-Job&id=612151

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