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The 8-Fold Path Of Spiritual Practice

The 8-Fold Path Of Spiritual Practice

1˳ Right Perception

2˳ Right Speech

3˳ Right Livelihood

4˳ Right Thought/Mindfulness

5˳ Right Action

6˳ Right Exertions/Intensity

7˳ Right Meditation

8˳ Right Devotion

1˳ Right Perception

We’ve already contemplated the idea of the matrix or simulacrum, that ancient platonian theory that what most people think to be the ultimate reality is merely a shadow of the real substance, a simulation or reflection of the real reality˳ There are certain things which we have been able to sense correctly about the nature of things, but these are far and few in between and lack the connecting fiber which would enable us to see the whole tapestry of what is going on˳ Before we become aware that what we assume to be the real reality is anything but, we have built up a kind of buffer within ourselves which prevents us from seeing anything except what we can already accept to be true (which is very limited indeed)˳ As one author put it “Why would a person who has been blind their whole life run into a pole that they have never seen before?”˳ Because of this improper perception, we have wandered off of the path and many have succumbed to the inertia generated by this maligned state of affairs, as can be observed in every facet of life˳ Improper perception of things is the root of our ignorance, and of our suffering˳

Conversely, when we expand our perception of Self and reality, amazing things can and will begin to happen˳˳ we are no longer limited in our life and in our potentials, we are no longer confined to a small square box along with the rest of the herd˳ It really can’t be elucidated thoroughly enough that there is a completely dire necessity for anyone practicing Sadhana to completely root out any tendencies to think in that small square box˳ When the walls of this illusory prison are brought down, one sees that one is already and has always been liberated, and was merely held captive by ignorance˳

There is a method prescribed by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi called ‘Self-Enquiry’ by which one constantly poses the question “Who am I?” to one’s self mentally, until there is complete focus on the Core of the Nothingness that is the Heart of All Things and complete absorption into the mystery of one’s being˳ At this point there is no tendency to consider one’s self as separate, One is None is Everything, and there is an annihilation of the not self and transmutation into a pure vessel, a shining grail overflowing with liquid light˳

2˳ Right Speech

Improper speech which stems from improper perception is akin to black magick˳ It’s as if you have cast a spell upon yourself which causes you to be stuck in a state of illusion and seeming disconnection from Self˳ It sets up a whole set of self re-enforcing tendencies and habits which gradually build up concretely as identity˳ Each word that we speak is a sound masking the pure vibration of our will˳ Creation occurs from these same kind of sounds which obscure pure vibrations of source emanation˳˳ As such, our words cement our will and seal our destiny, they form the matter of our experience internally and externally˳ If our words are aligned and harmonious, we can sing our way to love and happiness and beauty, if they are ugly and rude or mean, then we can be sure that that will become a pattern internally and externally in our lives˳ It’s easy then to see the importance of maintaining proper speech! If there is anything in your head which tells you it is wrong to speak kind words, this is again a product of improper perception and should be corrected˳

3˳ Right Livelihood

Third on our list of the ancient 8 pathways to heaven is right livelihood˳ Our lifestyle should match our true Self, and not simply the mainstream paradigm that has been waved in front of our faces˳˳ We should ever endeavor to be improving our lifestyle in higher and higher and more and more harmonious ways, until we have fully manifested our True Will onto the Earth˳ Our lifestyle is the sacred dance of our evolution, it is the son which is born from our mind and which creates a recursive effect which either speeds up our evolution or devolves us, there is no purgatory in this sense, it is either down or up˳

When we begin to sense the group consciousness, as opposed to just individual consciousness, our lifestyle becomes an integrated part of the whole planet’s recovery and healing, and we begin to be swept up in that healing and recovery and can count on it to basically run the program called ‘upward spiral’ on auto-pilot with no effort required on our part except to take right action when called upon to do so, which is merely letting the Intuition run the show˳

One’s lifestyle should not be limited by the scruples of our ignorant minds˳ One should have all of the finer things in life if one so desires it, there is nothing inherently wrong with attaining wealth in all aspects, spiritually and materially˳ Money is merely energy, and if you are suffering from a lack of it, then you are suffering for no reason other than the habits which are evolved from improper perception which are creating a mental block between the idea of wealth and your self˳ Money as material energy emphasizes and brings into manifestation your Will onto the face of the planet, Amma the “Hugging Guru” donated the equivalent of $23 Million to victims of the tsunami in 2004 when most governments themselves likely failed to pledge that much, where is the dishonor in her attaining that money/energy so that it could be dispersed in such a healing and productive way? Money in the hands of people like those who are reading this book is not a bad thing, but is the re-allocation of power from the hands of the usurpers into the hands of the meek and gentle, it allows us to re-create the society in our image in whatever way we so choose, in whatever way we can˳ Step by step this will begin to create a transmutation from the old into the new, as more money/energy is taken from the old paradigm and invested into the new˳ You will become a shining pillar of the New Earth around which forms pristine dreams and visions shining with Light unobscured by the morass of your previous ignorance˳

Creating a lifestyle for yourself which allows you to generate wealth without causing harm (no selling guns/crack/liquor) in the opinion of the author is an absolute necessity of the practice (that is unless you wish to run away from society in which case you will not be able to help change the society from within)˳ As such it is a Sacred Duty and one that must be carried out in a serious manner and not haphazardly or flippantly˳ With the advent of the internet and it’s development of interwoven synthesized templates for starting an at-home career there is a perfect platform for anyone who wants to make money doing what they love˳**

4˳ Right Thought/Mindfulness

Interwoven with right perception is right mindfulness and thought˳ Thought is a mental energy which crystallizes over time into Samskaras, wrong perception yields wrong thought which yields samskaras which freeze our mind in ignorance˳ Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of each thought as it enters the mind, and not feeding any excess attention to any particular thought˳ While gradually allowing the thoughts to come and go you will begin to shed some of the ‘stickiness’ of the wrong perceptions which obscure the mind˳ There should be no energy at all given to thoughts which are self-destructive, and even less given to thoughts which are self-glorifying˳ Any thoughts of self whatsoever tend to be thoughts of our image of our selves and not our True Selves˳ The image which resides in the mind is not our True self, but is merely the egoic self, a prismatic etheric shadow of the former˳

Safeguarding our right perception is at first a difficult task, nearly impossible at times, but it is the task that we must take up in order to escape the lies and ignorance of this world and reclaim our Divine Inheritance in it’s pristine state˳ There is nothing more important than keeping right perception, a clear window can see the Heavens, while a murky window is left to brood on it’s murkiness˳ Always endeavor to clear the window of all that obscures it, any thought of “I” is already obscuring that I, this is the essence of Zen or Dhyan Meditation˳

Take a few moments to reflect on this last statement˳

5˳ Right Action

Interwoven again with the other tenants of right perception, speech, thought, and lifestyle, is right action˳ Action includes any movement made by the physical body, as well as our actions in sculpting our lifestyle etc˳ Each action should arise from proper perception, in alignment with your Heart, in a conscious state which does not cause you to break your Meditation, and which is fueled by the intensity of your devotion˳ This state can be observed beautifully in Buddhist Temples, or in the way that the Japanese traditionally pour tea, or in the ceremonial work of Priests˳ This intensity of poise allows for the conservation of internal energies, and the maintenance of harmonious mental meditation, even when one is engaged in work˳ It’s absolutely crucial that this state of grace and love is cultivated, then all actions of your life will be oozing love, and lead your life up to higher and higher expressions of your highest desires along the upward spiral˳ It may not be that you attain the poise and grace of a Buddhist monk right away, but you should not give up aspiring to that grace, remembering that it can’t be forced artificially but can only be distilled from within˳

6˳ Right Intensity

This is one precept that is very often overlooked by the majority of beginning students˳˳ Behind each action which arises from proper perception (love/devotion) there must be the proper intensity˳ Intensity is not something which can be taught but can only be cultivated through practice and Meditation˳ Intensity is the raising along a scale of polarity, like cold raising to heat or hard becoming soft˳ Intensity can only be grown by releasing the improper perception which has caused you to wrongly act and cut short sentiments which wish to be exhibited˳ Such as something which makes you emotional and sad, do not try to hide or run from the sadness but embrace it and carry it forward to it’s crescendo, until it snaps under the weight of it’s own illusory density, something which makes you happy and full of laughter, whatever that it the cause of the moment is ride it with intensity and do not stop yourself from feeling and experiencing and expressing in the fullest way possible˳ Gradually through this practice as well as Meditation you will be able to generate an extremely intense experience of reality which will allow you to break the periphery of your lower spheres and ascend into the higher˳ It will also provide the fuel behind your transformation, the supporting, manifesting, transforming, dynamic/active energy of your Will˳ When you can harness this intensity, nothing will stop you!

7˳ Right Meditation

Meditation is not just sitting and focusing on an object, or clearing the mind, but rather it is preparation for the abstraction of our Soul into the Cosmic Eternal Antimaterial planes of One Consciousness that ancient Hebraic scholars referred to as “The Lord”˳ Through a transcendental focus on our True Self, as localized expressions of this Cosmic Lord, we can transcend the traps and illusions of the material world and attain a vertical dance of consciousness that is the Ascension of our Soul˳ Gradually we feel the forces of the Above and Below working through us as we make our vessel a perfect vehicle, and the energy starts to leak in consciously, gradually blending and merging our form with the Cosmic Fires until all that remains is the Flaming Aura˳

8˳ Right Devotion

Right Devotion is called Bhakti Yoga, and it is the true path of self-realization and attaining knowledge of God… Only through a sincerely devoted attitude (devoted to the aforementioned Life Principle) can we be accepted into the Eternal Company of the Servitors and enjoyers of Heaven and Eternal Pleasure˳ Many of us have a devotional attitude naturally, we help each other without question, and we aspire to work in a direction that will help humanity, if this attitude is cultivated and if the path that opens up is followed one can begin to merge and participate with the Perfect Will of Cosmic Evolution and help lead the Universe towards Nirvana˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?The-8-Fold-Path-Of-Spiritual-Practice&id=5368870

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