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What Literary Agents Look For In A Writer’s Work

What Literary Agents Look For In A Writer's Work

Like many small business owners, I have to multi-task, so as a literary agent, I recently had this insight while at the Pacific Ocean˳ When I wear my agent cap, the stories that I love the most, are the ones which hold my attention˳ Simple as that˳ Nothing esoteric˳ The same way these stories hold my attention, they tend to hold an editor at a large publishing house’s attention˳ Ergo, these are the manuscripts which get the book deals˳

A writer’s work has to catch my attention in the first sentence, then the second, then the first page, or the next 5-10 pages˳ I don’t care how many projects I have in the hop, I should be able to sit down, block out the other things pressing, and read your book with interest˳ That’s a compelling read˳ Even if I can’t finish it, I should be drawn to want to come back to find out what happened˳

I’m an agent who happens to be a writer, too˳ This is another epiphany I had while at the ocean˳ As writers, we have to write as if we are writing for people with short attention spans˳ A book has to be very compelling to keep this type of person’s attention, and I think a lot of people suffer from a little of this syndrome now˳ Why?

Because today, many people are on information overload˳ People tend to have short attention spans˳ We can get information on Myspace, millions of websites, emails, teleseminars, ipods, webinars, ezines, internet radio interviews, Youtube˳ The list goes on˳

People are busy, raising families, working jobs, or running businesses˳ They are caught up in the fast-pace of life that is the New Millennium˳ As a result, people tend to want instant gratification˳ So I take this into consideration when I read a client’s work˳

What are some of the things agents look for?

Personally, I look for writers of fiction who have more than one book in them˳ Preferably, these writers have a number of stories to tell, and they can make a full-time career out of their writing˳ I’d like to see writers whose books can be translated to the silver screen one day˳ The rest is on a gut-level feeling˳ If I get this feeling while I’m reading your work, you’re connecting with me on a level that I’m learning to identify as “This book works˳”

Where should you begin? A good query letter is a place to begin˳ You can find out how to write them in the Literary Market Place, or The Writer’s Market˳

A serious writer will take time to visit the guidelines when submitting to an agency˳ I am an independent agent with Sheba Media Group (www˳shebamedia˳com˳) Do not send attachments unless the agency asks for it˳ Often the writers do not follow the guidelines, and this is a turn off to an agent˳

If someone asks you for a synopsis, a logline for a screen play, or your novel’s first 3 chapters, then make sure this is what you provide–not your self-published book with the cover torn off˳ If you have already self-published, send in the manuscript version to the agent˳

These are some tips for writers:

Make sure there are no typos in your query letter, your synopsis or your manuscript˳ It not only discredits your work, it gives an impression that you don’t respect the craft of writing˳

Have your work edited and proofread before submitting to an agent˳ Sometimes, as writers, we only get one shot at an opportunity˳ Be prepared if you want to be successful˳

Follow the submission guidelines of a literary agency˳ For example, if the guidelines say they do not accept novellas, do not send novellas˳ Wait for your release letter, which says that you are the writer of said material˳

Send a query letter and a screenplay in the proper format˳ Use Final Draft or other screenwriting software˳

If you want to be a screenwriter, study the craft˳

As a novelist, you should develop a good writing style and have an interesting flair for words˳ This is one reason why urban fiction is so popular˳ It is written in hip hop/urban vernacular, which has a very authentic feel and it reflects the world as seen by the characters who have lived the street life˳

As a writer, you should develop a strong voice˳ Your particular world view should shine through your writing˳

Create a page turner by studying the craft of fiction writing, (which includes the elements of fiction, such as pacing, revising, creating memorable characters, among other techniques˳) You can read books, take classes, or join critique groups˳

Write about exciting characters who take action˳ Do not use stereotypical characters˳ If you use a pimp, make him different, such as the character Terrance Howard portrayed in the movie, “Hustle and Flow˳”

Use a compelling storyline˳ Stories are not about the character’s ordinary day or routine˳ The best stories are about disruption of the norm, and how the characters coped with the change˳ Good stories are about characters who go through a journey, which change their lives, for better or worse, by the end of the story˳ This is your character arc˳

These are some things you can learn to do which will help improve your writing˳

Learn how to set up a scene, then pay it off˳ Raise a story question and make sure you answer it by the end of the story˳

Learn how to write dialogue which sings˳ This will really help with screenwriting˳

Learn how to use descriptive words, vigorous verbs, and evoke emotions through the five senses˳ Learn how to make a novel move like a movie, with visuals, settings, showing vs˳ telling, and providing a life lesson˳

Learn how to develop your characters so that they feel real and like someone a reader will spend 300 pages with˳ Give your characters backstory, an agenda, and conflicted desires˳

Learn how to make a story flow, through different techniques, such as Joseph Campbell’s, “The Hero’s Journey˳”

In conclusion, writing a fictional story is work˳ But who ever said anything worth having would be easy? Learn to be the best writer you can become, and an agent will be glad to represent and negotiate a book deal for your work˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?What-Literary-Agents-Look-For-In-A-Writers-Work&id=685504

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