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Drug and Alcohol Relapse – Why Does it Happen and What Do You Do?

Drug and Alcohol Relapse - Why Does it Happen and What Do You Do?

What Do You Do Now?

Solving drug addiction with traditional 12 step or drug substitutes may work for a few but when your loved one isn’t one of those why not do something different˳ There is still help available˳

In the UK there is drug rehab offering a unique drug free program that not only cleanses the body of toxins but also eliminates physical and mental drug cravings in the process˳ What is drug rehab anyway? The definition of rehabilitation in Webster’s dictionary is as follows:


  • To Restore Or Bring To A Condition of Health or Useful and Constructive Activity
  • To Restore to a Former State or Capacity

If there was a drug or alcohol relapse then it is fair to say that there was no real rehabilitation˳

Why The High Rate of Relapse- Is It Their Fault?

Time and again even when the addict tells you that they want to be clean, they continue to use drugs and drink excessively˳ Often as a friend or family member we fail to understand that really, the addiction is not something the addict has control over˳ When you try to reason with them, even if they agree with you, it ends up going nowhere˳ Does this sound familiar? Everyone just gets more upset and angry˳ We deal with it in our own way, the addict goes and uses drugs again to take away the pain, physical and emotional˳ It is a vicious cycle˳ The cravings kick in so quickly that they can’t wait to use again˳

In dealing with the addict and getting them into rehab again, remember this:

Your loved one should not be the target of your pain, the enemy is drug use, drugs, alcohol, drug pushers, drug dealers˳ The addict understands this because they know better than you the destruction this has brought on them and their lives˳ Their guilt of hurting the people they love is overwhelming and the only solace is using more drugs˳ Drugs and alcohol have become the most important thing in their lives because they need it physically and mentally just to exist˳

The drug addict knows that ultimately, the only options are jail, death or rehab˳

Why send them somewhere where their chances of failing are high˳ You may only get one chance to help save your loved one˳ Do it right the first time˳

Most of us understand cravings˳ The addicts cravings are crippling and completely take over their lives and yours˳ A drug and alcohol treatment that eliminates these physical and mental cravings offers the addict a fighting chance, and no more relapse˳ In spite of all the damage they do, anger and hostility, most are good people and actually are very fragile˳ They too want to believe someone out there can help them˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Drug-and-Alcohol-Relapse—Why-Does-it-Happen-and-What-Do-You-Do?&id=1547977

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