Home News Where To Sell Those VHS Titles

Where To Sell Those VHS Titles

Where To Sell Those VHS Titles

The last thing I want to do is to put you off any of your own ideas about where to sell those VHS Titles that you have accumulated over the years˳ Or maybe you are an enthusiastic collector who wants to free up some space in what was once a 3 bedroom house and is now a 2 bedroom house with a large shed upstairs˳

But seriously, there are many places you could try to sell your VHS Tapes˳ There are plenty of online outlets including eBay, Craigslist˳com and Amazon, etc˳ You can sell domestically from garage sales, car boots and the classified ads in your local newspaper˳

The thing to remember is this; you want to get as targeted a buying audience as possible and that being the case – you also want that audience to be as big as possible˳

Selling VHS Titles is very much a niche enterprise and that niche is split into smaller niches˳ Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to try to get your VHS Titles in front of all the people who might be interested˳

Some buyers may only be interested in documentaries, others in trains or travel˳ Still others may collect comedy or live band performances etc˳

But if all these people are looking in the same place, then there is a good chance that they will see some of your video titles – if they are there to be seen˳

The largest marketplaces are of course eBay and Amazon˳

I am only going to recommend Amazon – WHY?

For one very good reason˳ Amazon has a real advantage over eBay because it actually has a category called “VHS” and eBay does not˳

Instead, eBay has a category called, “DVD’s, Films & TV”˳

Yes, it’s true that if you type ‘VHS tapes’ into the eBay search bar, then look under the categories heading, you will see, “Videos: VHS” mentioned˳

But here is the real difference…˳˳

The last time I looked, eBay was showing 2,337 listings under that heading, but at the same time, Amazon had over 83,000˳

Amazon is by far the most popular place for selling and is the obvious marketplace for a niche selling enterprise˳

Whether you are a collector or simply selling redundant VHS Tapes which are lying around the house – something you should definitely consider obtaining is an up-to-date and proper;y researched list of VHS Titles˳ A list that shows you which tapes have a value˳ There are many, many VHS Tapes being advertised on Amazon˳co˳uk for 1 penny˳ This is ridiculous and it will be a total waste of your time to try selling some of your VHS Titles when clearly there may be a saturated market for certain titles˳

So you either need a researched list or else you will have to research each one of your titles individually˳ This isn’t such a big deal if you only have a few, but if you have a shed-load or you are actually sourcing VHS Titles as a means of providing a second income, then having a list which tells you which VHS Titles have value, is something which will save you enormous amounts of time and also prevent you wasting money buying tapes that have little or no value˳

Anyway, I hope I have given you some ideas˳ It only remains for me to wish you good luck in selling your tapes˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Where-To-Sell-Those-VHS-Titles&id=7097782

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