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How to Write an Online Classified Ad

How to Write an Online Classified Ad

If you wish to sell or advertise your service, the best way to advertise is to post your ads in an online classifieds website˳ Writing a classified ad to attract traffic is an easy task˳ Here are some points that you need to remember while writing a classified advertisement˳

For example: Let us imagine you wish to sell a ‘used cushion sofa set’ in your˳

Title: The title of the ad is very important as it is the first thing that a user views˳ In the above example˳

Bad title: Used furniture for sale in˳

Good Title: Used cushion sofa set for sale in˳

Let us imagine a user searching for a ‘used sofa set’ sees the advertisement with the title “Used furniture for sale in “˳ This leaves the user with questions as to what kind of used furniture you are trying to sell and hence it turns out to be less attractive to him˳

The same user sees the advertisement “Used cushion sofa set for sale in ‘˳ It makes it clear to the user that it is a cushion sofa set that you are trying to sell and hence clicks to find out more information˳ This gives the advertiser a very good lead for his business˳

Price: Most of the websites allow you to specify a price for the product or service you are trying to advertise˳ You should always give a price or leave it as “Please contact”˳ Displaying the price will get you better leads˳

Photos: You should include photographs if the website allows˳ You will obviously get a better response˳

Videos: You should try including videos if there is an option˳

Website: If you own a website for your product or service, always give a link to it˳

Description: You should never write lengthy description˳ You should make it short and precise so that the user gets an idea before calling you˳

Contact Person: You should always write the person’s name that is responsible for the sale or service so that the user can address you by your name˳

Phone number: You should always give out your phone number as this will bring more trust in the user viewing your classified advertisement˳

Email Id: You should never give out your email id in the ad description area which will result in others spamming your mail box˳ Most of the classified websites allow the user to contact the seller through forms available in the website˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?How-to-Write-an-Online-Classified-Ad&id=4498123

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