Home Health What sport should I do if I’m overweight?

What sport should I do if I’m overweight?

What sport should I do if I'm overweight?

How can overweight people love and see exercise as an integral part of daily life? The right way to lose weight?

Swimming is also one of the sports suitable for overweight people - Photo: QUANG DINH

Swimming is also one of the sports suitable for overweight people – Photo: QUANG DINH

Sports can bring overweight people better mood, higher work productivity, reduce the risk of being overweight again˳ An ideal exercise program will not cause tendon pain and does not overload the joints of overweight people˳

Initial challenge to overcome

Starting a fitness routine is always a challenge for everyone˳ For overweight people, another difficulty that they have to overcome is choosing exercises that can both burn energy and not harm the musculoskeletal system˳

Being overweight or obese puts you at a higher risk of certain diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, and depression˳ The right exercise program will help you lose weight and limit diseases˳

But more importantly, how can overweight people love and see exercise as an integral part of daily life˳

What to keep in mind before exercising?

Before starting any exercise, make sure you are healthy enough to engage in physical activity˳ To do this, sports people need to have a general examination to promptly detect potential cardiovascular diseases˳

This is extremely necessary, because in people with cardiovascular disease, the heart threshold for activity needs to be adjusted much differently than in healthy people˳

For overweight people, the rate of cardiovascular disease is higher, so a pre-health check is essential when choosing an appropriate exercise program˳

In addition, to avoid unnecessary minor injuries or dermatological problems, you should equip yourself with quality clothes, shoes and sports equipment˳

Walking is suitable for overweight people

Even when not playing sports, everyone has to walk every day˳ Therefore, walking is obviously at the top of the list of sports suitable for overweight and obese people˳ In addition, walking requires very little equipment, improves muscle strength in the lower body, and lowers the risk of injury˳

However, for overweight people who are experiencing knee, back or hip pain, it is advisable to postpone walking to deal with the problems causing the pain first˳

How to do it: For the first days, the practitioner can start gently with 15 minutes of walking every day˳ Then, depending on your body’s adaptability, you can gradually increase the amount of walking time to reach 30 minutes a day˳ When you have reached the time goal, to increase the difficulty, you can increase the walking speed˳

Do not think too much about walking speed at the beginning, need to be consistent with the goal in advance so that the physical condition has a chance to adapt to the exercise˳

One study found that moderate walking intensity is when you can walk 100 steps in 1 minute, equivalent to 3,000 steps in every 30 minutes of exercise˳ Nowadays, tracking steps is no longer difficult when any mobile phone has the function of counting steps taken every day˳

You can use the machines at the gym

Currently in the gym there are many types of treadmills, bike stations with many different designs˳ This is confusing for overweight people because they do not know which type of machine to choose to suit their physical conditions˳

Between a treadmill and a bike station, cycling will be a suitable choice because it burns energy and has less impact on joints˳

For overweight people, a recumbent bike station will be an option when they are suffering from back and hip pain due to other exercises˳

If you want to run, overweight people can choose some types of treadmills with pedals˳ These machines can help them move their whole body, reducing the load on the knee and ankle joints˳

Doing: You need to determine how many minutes your workout goal is˳ Try to cycle for 5 minutes, then rest for 5 minutes˳ Pedal again for 5 minutes and then continue to rest˳ Next, gradually increase the cycling time and gradually decrease the rest time˳ Finally, to relax the joints, you need to step out of the car and gently flex the knee joint˳

Running under the pool

If knee pain prevents overweight people from walking, another option is to run in the pool˳ Thanks to the force of water, excess weight will be eliminated, so this is the top form of exercise for people with severe obesity or elderly people with bone and joint problems˳

Doing: To run in the pool, you need a sturdy float and swim close to the seat belt at the pool˳ Strap on your body and choose the pool so that your feet do not touch the bottom of the pool˳ Then simulate the running movement, at this time all the joints and muscles in the lower body still work like running on the road but are not affected by gravity˳

For people with severe obesity, running in the water will help them feel better without suffering a knee injury˳

The above exercises are suggested for overweight people, especially water jogging is recommended for people with severe obesity˳

What should overweight people pay attention to when jogging?What should overweight people pay attention to when jogging?

Easy to apply, almost inexpensive, running has become the most popular cardiovascular fitness and weight loss exercise in the world˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/thua-can-nen-tap-mon-the-thao-nao-2023072410454908˳htm

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