Home News 5 Steps To An Effective Email Marketing Campaign

5 Steps To An Effective Email Marketing Campaign

5 Steps To An Effective Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing has still has a greater ROI (return on investment) than any other marketing strategy˳ Analysis shows that email marketing provides a ROI of $40˳56 for each dollar that’s invested˳

Setting up an effective email marketing campaign can be a little baffling initially, but with some practice and with the right tools and techniques it gets to be very easy˳ And very effective˳

1˳ Email Marketing Campaign Software

You need special software to manage your email marketing campaigns˳ Known as an autoresponder, it provides an efficient way to gather, deliver, monitor and review your emails˳This would be impossible to do yourself with a regular email program like Outlook, Gmail, Webmail,etc˳

2˳ Plan Your Marketing Emails

Have a plan of action before sending out an email marketing campaign˳ Think about your niche, your offers and most importantly, the action that you want your readers to take˳ Test every email by sending it to yourself to check links, grammar and spelling carefully˳ Don’t let your subscribers get errors, find them first˳ Each email should focus on one or two topics at most˳ Don’t complicate your message by overwhelming readers with a bunch of different offers and topics in the same email˳

3˳ Quality

Credibility is your most important resource in email marketing˳ If you’re an affiliate marketer, only promote only those products you believe in˳ Your subscribers will blame you if you recommend a product for them to buy and the product turns out to be rubbish˳ Don’t just send continuous offers to your list˳ Send useful free information and other freebies too˳ The more value you provide to your subscribers, the more they will want to open your emails when they land in their inbox˳

4˳ Subject Line

Almost one third of email users open emails because of the subject line˳ Exciting subject lines boost open rates, but can be risky if they don’t mirror what’s presented inside˳ Words like, “Alert,” “News,” “Limited Time Offer” and “Last Chance” in subject lines significantly increase open and click through rates˳

5˳ The Sales Funnel

On average it takes approximately 7 communications with a prospect before they make a buying decision˳ Email is the perfect way to send these communications˳ Your autoresponder software can send out a series of emails on auto-pilot when a prospect joins your list˳ This is your sales funnel˳ It’s simply a set of steps where you move a prospect through a sequence of communications that ultimately results in them buying from you˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?5-Steps-To-An-Effective-Email-Marketing-Campaign&id=9840997

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