Home News Why and How to On-Board New Employees

Why and How to On-Board New Employees

Why and How to On-Board New Employees

The definition of on-boarding is “the action or process of integrating a new employee into an organization or familiarizing a new customer or client with one’s products or services˳”

If done right, new employee on-boarding can increase productivity and enhance retention˳ Done incorrectly or not at all, can lead to the opposite – frustrated, under-performing employees who look for other jobs˳

In a February 2014 survey by BambooHR, 23 percent of respondents who left a job within the first six months said “receiving clear guidelines to what my responsibilities were” would have helped them stay on the job˳ Twenty-one percent said they wanted “more effective training,” 17 percent said “a friendly smile or helpful co-worker would have made all the difference,” 12 percent said they wanted to be “recognized for [their] unique contributions,” and 9 percent said they wanted more attention from the “manager and co-workers˳”

Done right, a new employee on-boarding process can:

  • Create a positive work culture to attract and retain top talent
  • Foster employee engagement and productivity
  • Build trust and communication
  • Create connections between employees

It is actually quite easy to create an effective on-boarding process˳ To ensure your new hires stay-and succeed-here are some best practices:

Before Your New Employee Starts

  • Contact them to let them know that you are excited that they will be joining you, offer to answer any questions, and send them information to read about your company˳ Include information on your dress code, directions, parking, and who to ask for when they arrive˳
  • Sent them paperwork to complete before they arrive so that the first day is not spent just filling out paperwork (boring!)˳
  • Schedule meetings with key staff˳
  • Assign the new employee to a buddy˳
  • Set up the new employee’s work station with office supplies, phone extension, email address, etc˳
  • Send a company-wide email to introduce your new employee˳

The First Week

  • Give the new employee a tour of the office including their work station, bathrooms, copier, etc˳
  • Schedule a company-paid lunch with the new employee’s teammates˳
  • Schedule a meeting between the new employee and his/her supervisor to discuss how to work together, company culture, performance expectations, the employee’s role and how it relates to the company’s big picture, etc˳

The First Three Months

  • Schedule any required training˳
  • Schedule regular meetings between the new employee and his/her supervisor to give and get feedback and answer questions˳
  • Be patient˳ According to an article in Training Industry Quarterly, it can take a year or two before an employee is “fully productive˳”
  • Ask new employees to complete an anonymous survey about their onboarding process˳ Use that data to make improvements˳

Effective employee onboarding programs increase employee performance and retention˳ What other best practices in new employee on-boarding have you experienced?

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Why-and-How-to-On-Board-New-Employees&id=9642630

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