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How to Locate, Hire, and Work With an Article Writer

How to Locate, Hire, and Work With an Article Writer

If you don’t have the time to write web content, it is essential for you to find a trusted person who can do the work for you˳ However, not everyone who calls themselves an “article writer” is one or, if they do write articles, they may not be familiar with the special techniques needed to make an article “sing” online˳ As a professional who writes extensively for the web, I am about to share with you some tips to help you find and have a good relationship with a web content writer˳ You may not choose to use my services, but your professional should be someone whom you can work with˳

Do Some Research˳ Getting the best professional for your job will involve some research on your part˳ If you locate a particular writer, contact him or her and ask for samples of their writings˳ Article directories feature the works of many writers who are eager to share their abilities with you˳

Get References, Check Sources˳ Ask your writing candidates for references and check links online˳ By entering a person’s name in parentheses on the Google search bar, you can uncover a wealth of information about that person˳ If this person has been writing web content extensively, the search returns should be bountiful˳ In addition, your writer should have a web site and their site should feature samples of some of their best writings˳ Read their writing blog too, if they have one˳

Check the Professional Sites˳ Elance, Guru, and Writer’s Write are several sites that are popular for freelancers˳ Your writer paid to have access to that site, so you know that you are probably dealing with serious writers only˳ For your part, you can list your project, accept bids, and choose the writer who fits your project best˳ Typically, you don’t have to pay to belong to one of these sites˳

When you find a writing professional, you must then reach some sort of agreement on the work to be done˳ For instance, you must ask yourself the following questions when crafting a proposal:

  • How much will you pay? Will your rate be per article, by the hour, or per word?
  • How will you pay your professional? By Paypal, via check, or through the site?
  • What target audience is the article being aimed at? Demographics, et al?
  • How should completed projects be submitted? By email? Word attachment? Do you want it double spaced?
  • Is there a specific deadline to complete the work?
  • Is a contract involved or will you go with a verbal agreement?
  • Once you have come to terms, ask your writer to submit one or two articles to you˳ Use these first articles to evaluate their work and to help direct them to write according to the style you desire˳ Communication is very important, so make certain that everyone understands what is expected˳

    It may take some time before you reach a level of comfort with your new writer˳ You have every right to require that the terms you have agreed upon are properly followed, however by showing some give and take with personal styles [and perhaps, deadlines] you will go a long way in keeping an excellent writer at your side˳ Conversely, pay your writer on time and make certain that you follow your side of the agreement too˳

    Finally, as much as possible, limit your communication to emails [with only an occasional phone call] as we writers are often so immersed in our work that a phone call ends up being an intrusion — honest! At the very least, your writer can return your call a day or two later˳ Enough said!

    Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?How-to-Locate,-Hire,-and-Work-With-an-Article-Writer&id=132045

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