Home News 8 Things You Should Do After a Car Accident

8 Things You Should Do After a Car Accident

8 Things You Should Do After a Car Accident

If you’ve ever been in a car accident you know it can be very scary! When it comes to dealing with insurance companies you may be giving away rights you didn’t know you had˳ Here are 8 things you should be doing immediately following a car accident˳

Emergency Medical Treatment: If you haven’t been to a doctor, you should do so immediately if you’re in pain or having physical difficulties˳ Be sure to give the doctor, hospital, or medical facility your automobile insurance card so they can properly bill your Personal Injury Protection Benefits (“PIP”) policy˳

Photographs: If possible snap pictures of the scene of the accident as well as the property damage to the cars˳ Have those pictures saved or developed immediately˳ This is especially important in accidents where fault may be at issue˳

Witnesses: Get the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of any witnesses to the car accident˳ This cannot be stressed enough! Also, you should not discuss the facts of the accident with the witness other than to obtain their contact information˳ You don’t want to appear as if you had any undue influence on their version of what they saw˳

Doctor’s Note: If working causes difficulties, substantial discomfort, or pain, you should ask your treating physician about being placed on work restriction temporarily˳ If you’ve been told by your doctor that the decision to work is up to you, then you shouldn’t be working if working causes you pain or substantial discomfort˳

Statements to Insurance Companies: Do not discuss the case with anyone and do not give statements until you have spoken to an attorney first˳ You should be aware that you may have to provide a statement to your own insurance company as provided in your policy, so don’t wait to call a licensed attorney in your state˳ If you have been contacted by an insurance company, it’s extremely important that you obtain the name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers of the adjuster handling your claim˳ Then, inform the adjuster that you will consulting an attorney and that attorney will be in touch with the adjuster˳

Damage Appraisal: If you car has been damaged in the accident, have the car appraised by a reputable body shop as soon as possible after the photographs of the damage have been taken˳

Documents: Collection any documents relating to your case such as medical bills, doctor’s instructions, prescriptions, receipts, and accident reports˳

Primary Duty: Your primary duty is to make yourself comfortable and to recover from your injuries˳ Let your attorney worry about the legal details of your case˳ Your physical recovery is most important˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?8-Things-You-Should-Do-After-a-Car-Accident&id=8757833

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