Home Health WHO Director-General calls for unraveling the origin of COVID-19

WHO Director-General calls for unraveling the origin of COVID-19

WHO Director-General calls for unraveling the origin of COVID-19

The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that finding the origin of COVID-19 is an “ethical mission” and all hypotheses must be clarified˳

WHO Director-General calls for clarification of the origin of COVID-19 - Photo 1.

Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that understanding the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is a “moral mission” – Photo: REUTERS

The latest statement from WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is a clear sign that the organization remains committed to figuring out how the COVID-19 outbreak will emerge˳

Sheet Wall Street Journal earlier reported that a US agency had assessed the pandemic could be caused by an unintended laboratory leak by China˳

This information immediately sparked a wave of pressure to force WHO to provide answers˳ Beijing meanwhile has denied the above information˳

The report could soon be made public after the US House of Representatives voted to declassify it this week˳

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“Understanding the origins of COVID-19 and exploring all the hypotheses remains a scientific mission, helping us prevent future outbreaks (and) also a moral, self-interested mission˳” benefit of the millions who have died and those who live with sequelae,” Tedros wrote on Twitter on March 12˳

According to Reuters news agency, this is the statement to mark three years since the WHO first used the word “pandemic” to describe the global outbreak of COVID-19˳

In an open letter this weekend, many activists, politicians and academics stressed the focus of the celebration should be on preventing a repeat of vaccine deployment˳ COVID-19 uneven˳

They attribute this to at least 1˳3 million preventable deaths˳

In 2021, a team of experts led by WHO spent weeks in the city of Wuhan, China, where the first cases of human infection were recorded˳

The joint report of this expert group then noted that SARS-CoV-2 may have been transmitted from bats to humans through another animal species, but more research is needed˳

In response, China stated that it was unnecessary to organize more such visits˳

Since then, WHO has set up a scientific advisory group on dangerous pathogens but has yet to draw any conclusions about how the COVID-19 pandemic broke out˳

The reason given is that important data is missing˳

World COVID-19 on February 6: WHO dialogues with China on tracing the origin of the pandemicWorld COVID-19 on February 6: WHO dialogues with China on tracing the origin of the pandemic

TTO – In the context that the number of deaths from COVID-19 exceeded 5˳7 million, the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) had a dialogue with the Chinese side on cooperation in tracing the origin of the pandemic˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/tong-giam-doc-who-keu-goi-lam-sang-to-nguon-goc-covid-19-20230312191324072˳htm

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