Home Health Golfing is prone to injuries, how to avoid?

Golfing is prone to injuries, how to avoid?

Golfing is prone to injuries, how to avoid?

Golf is a sport suitable for many people because of its lightness and low competition˳ However, playing golf incorrectly will lead to serious injuries˳

Golfing is prone to injuries, how to avoid?  - Photo 1.

The normal cervical spine when straight will bear about 5kg, when you bend the neck about 15 degrees, the pressure on the neck will be 12kg

Golf is a suitable sport for many people because of its lightness and low level of competition˳ This sport helps players to walk a lot, using the whole body and hands, so it can be considered a sport that develops whole body muscles and trains flexibility, dexterity, patience and self-control˳ However, playing golf incorrectly will lead to serious injuries˳

Golf is mainly a stroke for the ball to go far using the swing technique˳ The player takes the club back (called the back swing), lowers the club (down swing), hits the ball (impact), continues to bring the club forward (follow through) and finish˳

Standing position of a golfer with slightly bent knees, leaning forward, center of gravity falling on the legs˳ Golf injuries come from standing posture, hitting the ball˳


In a standing position, golfers are prone to back pain if they do not keep their backs straight˳ Most golfers tend to bend their backs and can’t keep their spine straight˳ The forward bend of the golfer is due to slight flexion of the groin but the back must be kept straight˳

When players bend their backs, they will have back pain because of the increased pressure on the spinal discs, especially the low back˳ People with a history of disc degeneration, disc protrusion or nerve root compression due to the glial nucleus will have more severe symptoms˳

So if after a practice session or a golf session you have more back pain, your posture is wrong˳

How to prevent?

When you’re in a ready-to-hit stance, ask someone to take a picture of your upright and leaning stance˳ Then you check your spine is straight or not? If you’re crouching instead of a slight hip flexion, you’re wrong and need someone to correct it˳

If your back hurts while exercising, stop exercising˳ Going to the doctor to see if there is a problem with the spine? Is it necessary to adjust or do specific exercises for the spine before returning to golf swing exercises?

Golfing is prone to injuries, how to avoid?  - Photo 2.

If you have back pain while playing golf, stop practicing and see a doctor to see if there is a problem with the spine?

Neck pain

Similar to the lumbar spine˳ Many golfers bend their back and neck to look at the ball˳ This will make you often hit ineffectively due to wrong posture and neck pain˳

The normal cervical spine when straight will bear about 5kg, when you bend your neck about 15 degrees, the pressure on your neck will be 12kg and when you bend to 60 degrees, the pressure is now 27kg˳

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Before focusing on hitting the ball, golfers will have to focus on looking at the ball for a long time, so that the brain can record the position of the ball and control the limbs when turning to hit the ball˳ Long and continuous bowing, especially on the golf course, will cause neck pain for players even though this sport does not have to use the neck˳

How to prevent?

Similar to the belt, you must keep your neck straight˳ Do not bow your neck˳ Adjust the height by bending the hips and knees slightly˳ The entire cervical spine and back should be kept straight˳ This helps players avoid back and neck pain, and will have a good stance when playing golf˳

If you experience neck pain while golfing, see a chiropractor or orthopedist to determine if your spine condition needs adjustment or treatment before returning to the exciting game˳ This˳

* Next time: Shoulder and chest injuries while playing golf

Doctor The ‘cool’ doctor treats injuries to players

TTO – Doctor PHAM QUOC HUNG is a person who has operated and treated football players Hung Dung, Van Hau, Dinh Trong, Duy Manh… and other athletes˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/choi-golf-de-bi-chan-thuong-nao-lam-sao-tranh-20230313111448924˳htm

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