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Pokemon and Legal Implications

Pokemon and Legal Implications

Pokemon GO is an augmented reality game that embeds virtual creatures in the physical space˳ Therefore, virtual and physical space co-exist as the virtual creatures Pokemon can appear anywhere, even in the garden of your neighbour˳ The goal of the game is to find and catch them˳

The intersection of virtual and physical space urged legal professionals to start considering the impact of augmented reality games on privacy, data protection, road accidents, personal injury claims and trespassing˳

Privacy and Data Protection:

Personal data protection and privacy are among the primary legal implications that need to be taken into consideration as information about locations is gathered, shared and stored˳ Personal data protection influences professional and social life, as well as, the private life of citizens˳

In Cyprus, ‘The Processing of Personal Data (Protection of Individual) Law of 2001’ (138(I)2001) regulates the collection, the process and the use of personal data˳

Road Accidents and Personal Injury:

Given that Pokemon can appear anywhere, the number of road accidents and personal injuries claims increases˳ Pokemon GO players are so obsessed with chasing Pokemon, consequently, they are less careful and tend to be more negligent˳ Personal injury caused by negligence or irresponsibility of the other party can be compensated adequately only if the victim seeks professional legal assistance immediately˳ That is to say, in case you have been injured while someone was chasing Pokemon, then we recommend you to consult a personal injury lawyer so that to receive the compensation you deserve˳ A personal injury will review your case and provide you the best possible representation˳


As it has been explained, the goal of the game is to find and catch Pokemon in the real world˳ Consequently, players enter private properties, usually without any authorisation, to look for Pokemon and catch them˳ Therefore, trespass is another major legal implication that needs to be considered˳ Apart from entering private properties without any authorisation, in some cases, Pokemon GO players may cause damage while they are chasing Pokemon˳

Based on article 43 of the Civil Wrongs Law (Cap˳ 148), ”trespass to immovable property consists of unlawful entry upon, or any unlawful damage to, or interference with, any such property by any person”˳ In other words, entering private property without permission and/or causing unlawful damage to any private property˳ As a result, Pokemon Go players abide by the Law since playing Pokemon Go does not include any right to access a private property without prior authorization˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Pokemon-and-Legal-Implications&id=9487277

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