Home News The Video Sales Letter

The Video Sales Letter

The Video Sales Letter

The sales letter is alive and well˳ The sales letter is dead˳

Which statement best describes your view? If you are still using plain text to monetize traffic, then most likely you are contemplating the sales letter is chronically ill˳ If you are utilizing compact video strategies (video isotopes) to deploy your sales and marketing efforts, then most likely you are deciding between foie gras or lobster with your filet mignon˳

The sales letter is alive and well˳ It is however functioning in a new capacity, the sales manager˳ The traditional sales copy (now sales manager) trains the video sales representatives what to say, when to say it and how to say it˳ The new leather on the street is the video sales letter, a sales force deployed via video˳

Simply stated, the video selling letter is the traditional sales letter delivered to the potential client as an engaging conversation˳ Web video, more specifically video promotion letters require specific elements based on the type of traffic or viewers engaged˳ Types of traffic, organized by source require separate optimization schemes˳ For example

Web 2˳0

Organic search

Pay per click



Link referred

Take Web 2˳0 for example˳ Marketing in this traffic space, the video salesletter is a socially optimized selling maching˳ To function effectively with Web 2˳0 traffic (viewers), the video selling letter production requires elements from advanced internet applications and social communications˳ Companies and individual entrepreneurs are utilizing web video isotopes (series of compact videos) to deliver branding and selling messages into Web 2˳0˳

Web 2˳0 interaction (social conversations) is a vast opportunity (high traffic source-member oriented) for internet marketing professionals to utilize traffic (build brand identity), identify new prospects (list building), gain clients (monetize traffic), engage new markets (expand reach) and deepen brand penetration˳

Sound familiar?

The marketing and selling goals have not changed, it is still a numbers game˳ The more contacts made equals more opportunities to showcase, inform and sell products and services i˳e˳ make money˳ Web 2˳0 is colonizing at an enormous pace, the huge numbers needed for favorable conversions˳ The traditional sales letter, reborn as a series of short video conversations (video isotopes), delivered into Web 2˳0 is social optimization˳ Just as websites need search engine optimization, web video and more importantly video sales letters require social optimization to attract viewers˳ Optimizing your sales copy for video sales letter production follows the laws of nature, form follows function˳ The laws of the internet or currently how the internet handles video productions is set in writing at each Web 2˳0 site where traffic congregates˳

For example:

File sizes are limited in most cases to 100 megabytes˳ Selected sites offer stand alone ftp programs for video files in excess of 150-200 megabytes˳ Sites also state the accepted file types i˳e˳ avi, mov, swf, flv, mpg and wmv˳ Your video also needs a persuasive title, keyword tags, and you cannot violate the terms of use˳

Your video must abide by the Web 2˳0 site function, i˳e˳ form follows function˳ A well produced video, just as a well written sales and promotional letter, will produce favorable sales conversions, increase traffic and extend brand penetration˳

Take advantage of the huge traffic opportunities Web 2˳0 offers and optimize your video sales letter and web video with web video elements˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?The-Video-Sales-Letter&id=755927

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