Home News Clearing Out Our Deceased Daughter’s House – The Last Goodbye

Clearing Out Our Deceased Daughter’s House – The Last Goodbye

Clearing Out Our Deceased Daughter's House - The Last Goodbye

Seventeen months ago our daughter died from the injuries she received in a car crash˳ Since that tragic accident we have walked with grief every day˳ We have also become a GRGs — grandparents raising grandchildren˳ My husband and I are the legal guardians of 16-year-old, fraternal twins˳ Raising them is our new life mission — a sacred mission — and we will do our best˳

We are trying to help the twins deal with their grief, move forward with life, and make new goals˳ Clearing out our daughter’s house, the house she and the kids loved so much, has been a heartbreaking experience˳ Our grandchildren packed some items and, after that, they didn’t want to go to the house˳ Their home had been a happy place, a place filled with love and laughter˳

Now it was a sad and lonely place and we had to sell it˳

Months ago, rural towns in Southeastern Minnesota were hit by a tremendous flood˳ Many families lost everything they had and some were still living in government trailers˳ And so, instead of having an auction, my husband and I decided to donate the contents of our daughter’s home to Rushford Flood Relief˳ We discussed the idea with our grandchildren and they approved it˳

The contact organization was Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Spring Valley, Minnesota˳ Packing items took us several months˳ Items that were not designated for flood relief were donated to the Goodwill˳ Last Saturday a huge rental truck pulled up in front of the house˳ A smiling man with a white beard got out of the truck and introduced himself as the church Pastor˳ “This is a sorrowful day for me,” I told him, “and I will cry˳” He understood completely˳

Twenty-two church volunteers (youth group and adult members) had offered their help˳ The president of the congregation gave them loading instructions˳ Before the loading began the group gathered together in a prayer circle˳ The Pastor asked God to bless the volunteers and thanked our family for its generosity˳ After the prayer I added, “Many of you know our story˳ Our goal is to make something good from grief˳” Tears trickled down my cheeks as I voiced these words˳

Many volunteers thanked us personally for what we were doing˳ “There’s a lot of good stuff here,” one said˳ “You’re going to help many people˳” The volunteers worked quickly and a “parade” of items went out the door: dining tables, coffee tables, straight chairs, wing chairs, lamps, television sets, computer work stations, dishes, pots and pans, bedding, porch furniture, and more˳ Two hours later the truck was packed to the ceiling˳

The Pastor locked the back hatch, got into the truck, and slowly pulled away˳ I stood in front of the house and sobbed˳ Though a few items were still on the floor and the garage wasn’t cleared yet, the last vestiges of our daughter’s daily life were gone˳ The next day I received an email from the president of the congregation˳

According to him, volunteering had given youth group members a better understanding of compassion and giving˳ He went on to say that 10 new volunteers unloaded the truck when it reached Rushford˳ Residents of the flooded communities gathered around the truck and took the furniture and labeled boxes they needed˳ An hour later — just one hour — the truck was empty˳

From the prayer circle, to meeting volunteers, to locking the back hatch, the day was a religious experience˳ Giving to others made us feel better and we think it made our grandchildren feel better, too˳ James Russell Lowell wrote about giving in the “Vision of Sir Launfal” and we hold his words in our hearts˳ He wrote:

Not what we give, but what we share —

For the gift without the giver is bare;

Who gives himself with his alms feeds three —

Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me˳

Copyright 2008 by Harriet Hodgson

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Clearing-Out-Our-Deceased-Daughters-House—The-Last-Goodbye&id=1092453

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