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Pros and Cons of Owning Silver As an Inflation Hedge in Your IRA

Pros and Cons of Owning Silver As an Inflation Hedge in Your IRA

Concerned about America’s future, wondering if you will ever retire? What will your savings buy tomorrow? American’s have a lot of concerns about the future˳ Government spending is out of control, unemployment is running at over 9%, and foreclosures are setting monthly records almost monthly˳ Discussions are going on concerning another round of quantitative easing, another attempt to increase the money supply and stimulate the economy˳ I would like to discuss if silver is a good inflation hedge˳

Ready? Then let’s start˳ First the Pro, in favor of:

The number one point in support for owning silver as an inflation hedge will be U˳S˳ government spending is out of control˳ Deficit spending for this current year is running near $1˳4 trillion dollars˳ The national debt is currently $13˳44 trillion dollars˳ If you count the US governments unfunded liabilities for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and pensions we are talking over $105 trillion dollars˳

Where is that money coming from? Think about it˳ $105 trillion is a number that most people can’t understand˳ It’s $105,000,000,000,000˳00, boy that’s a lot of zeroes˳ Face it the government is going to print money out of thin air˳ The purchasing power of your savings or your pay check is going to decrease˳ How can silver help? Read my 2nd point…

The 2nd supporting point is going to be silver has increased in value from $4˳07/oz in November 2001 to as I write this article (Sept 2010) $19˳90/oz˳ That’s an increase of nearly 500%˳ The dollar has lost over 33% of its value since 2001˳ If you had purchased $100 of silver bullion in 2001 it’s now worth nearly $500˳ So if you didn’t buy the silver bullion in 2001 the purchasing power of your $100 is now $67˳ But if you had the silver bullion, now worth $489, its purchasing power in dollar terms is $328˳ Still almost 500% more than your original dollars˳

Maintaining buying power or your wealth is key to your future and your children’s future˳ Consider this in 1920 you could buy a nice suit for one twenty bill or 20 silver dollars˳ Today the 20 dollar bill will buy you the right sleeve maybe, but sell the 20 silver dollars and you can still get a nice suit with the dollars you got for the silver dollars˳ That’s an example of maintaining purchasing power over time˳

The third supporting point is during the late seventies and 1980 the all time high for silver is just above $50˳ Adjusting for inflation the new high for silver could reach the $150 to $175 range˳ With silver around the $20 level today, you can see the potential is there for big increase in the purchasing power of your savings˳

And alternatively, to keep this balanced, there’s Con; against:

The initial point in contra for owning silver as an inflation hedge will be deflation˳ Deflation is simply put the destruction of money˳ The result would be the increase in value of the dollar˳ Cash is considered king during deflationary times˳ Silver is a small market, and with a large number of people selling assets, including silver, to raise cash will result in a drop in the price of silver˳

The second point in contra will be as I mentioned above silver is a small market, and because silver is a small market the moves up can and will be big, plus the moves down can and will be big also˳ You have to have a strong stomach and believe in silver to stand these large price swings in the silver market˳

A third significant point against is storing your silver˳ If you buy a large amount of silver where are you going to store it? Once you get above 1000 oz you start to take up a lot of room˳

That’s it, the good qualities and then the cons, the points in favor along with the points against˳

Finally then, what is the “bottom line” here? Is owning silver as an inflation hedge a good or bad investment?

Both sides of the question appear to have a “yes” answer! Owning silver as an inflation hedge is depended on what you believe is going to happen within the world economy˳ Is there going to be wholesale debasing of currency, will there be inflation or deflation, or can you stand the big price swings, both up and down˳ Yes there definitely seems to be both good AND bad! It is left up to you, the reader to determine which side, the good or the bad, outweighs the other˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Pros-and-Cons-of-Owning-Silver-As-an-Inflation-Hedge-in-Your-IRA&id=5168093

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