Home News How to Be ‘Green’ in 2020

How to Be ‘Green’ in 2020

How to Be 'Green' in 2020

It’s a new year, a new decade, and a great opportunity to embrace a ‘Green Lifestyle’˳ But how do we start? A small shift in how to get rid of things is a simple way to embrace ‘Green Living˳ Minimizing your waste is a huge, ‘green’ step˳ Instead of relying on the land fill…




Also stated as ‘Avoid the Land Fill’˳

Unfortunately, we’ve become a throw-away society where we use something once and toss it˳ Nothing good comes of that˳ We must be greener˳

Start thinking like your Grandparents or Great Grandparents who lived during the Depression and through the rationing of World War II˳ Everything was scarce˳ Everything was appreciated and never wasted˳

Below are some easy, simple ways to minimize the amount of stuff you throw away˳

Always have your own reusable bags handy˳ Not just the grocery store but the hardware store, the drug store, and anywhere else you purchase things˳ These reusable bags fold up into practically nothing so you should ALWAYS have some available in the car˳

Opt for emailed or texted receipts, not printed ones˳

Choose products or purchase options with the most environmentally friendly packaging possible˳ Nothing like getting something in that horrible hard plastic surrounded by bubble wrap in a much larger cardboard shipping box than necessary˳ Especially if you could get the same item at the local hardware store and carry it home in your pocket (or reusable bag you have with you always… )˳ You get the idea˳

There are many options to sell things online so make it a habit˳

Rather than tossing used furniture into the landfill, donate or consign it˳ Check out YouTube University and figure out how to change stuff into something new˳ I saw an adorable way a dated chest of drawers became a pet bed!

Compost your kitchen debris˳ It’s easy (doesn’t smell) and creates fabulous fertilizer˳ Composting can be done directly in a hole in the ground or in a five-gallon bucket on the apartment balcony˳ All you need is to add some real soil and turn it often˳ (Once it ‘smells’ like dirt, the composting is complete and can be used to top dress existing plants˳) You will be amazed with a compost pile for two reasons – 1)˳ The drastic reduction in garbage heading to the landfill and 2)˳ How much the volume decreases as it goes through the composting process˳

Rather than throw away shipping baskets or containers, use them other ways – a peach basket works great to organize the bathroom, kids’ toys, magazines, etc˳

Speaking of magazines and other printed materials, subscribe to them online˳

Shop at Consignment and Thrift stores when possible˳ One man’s trash can certainly be your treasure˳

For Green Living, challenge yourself to put as little as possible into the landfill!

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?How-to-Be-Green-in-2020&id=10233587

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